How long until you went out the house? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi, I’m on day 4 now and still feeling very tight and hard to lift my arms. I’m not in loads of pain,more discomfort and always feeling tired. I was thinking if going for a very short gentle stroll with my boyfriend to try and loosen up and get some fresh air. But dunno if I should stay resting if I’m feeling really tired. Xxx


    i went out day after and i had uplift when eva u feel ok just no running lol x


    Oh cool I should defo be ok for a very small gentle walk 🙂 xx

    Misfion 3

    Yeah I went out day after and felt so much better for just being out and about. Just take it slow and don’t do more than you can xxx


    I was told go for a causal stroll everyday and when in doors rest but don’t literately not move. Doing things such as making food for yourself is good x

    Misfion 3

    I agree, I wouldnt sit for more than 20-30 mins even if it was just wandering around the house and making a cuppa – dranks loads of tea during recovery lol xxx

    alli 1

    My first BA i could hardly move for 10 days but had my second Corrective surgery BA and been trying to move around the house and also went for a meal and a short stroll… I felt less swollen and bent over by moving around. Its important to feel bit normal and not like a sick patient which I think makes u feel worse.

    I had to go to see nurse after 3 days so had to move but I really did feel much more human again by leaving the house.

    leigh taylor -4

    A bit of fresh air will do you good and having your bf there to look after you is a top idea especially if you come over all tired and need a piggy back home lol! My bf took me to the cinema day after it was nice feeling normal! X


    Thanks ladies 🙂 he’s just washed my hair for me so feeling a lot fresher! I’ve actually got out of pjs and put some normal clothes on and were going to go for a little wander 🙂 thanks for all your messages. I think it will be nice to get some fresh air and a change of a scenery!, xx

    alli 1

    My bf was saying i walk like a snail so slow lolll defs get son fresh air! My first BA i couldn’t move tho was like I as dying but this second time round Ive managed to half shower and get help washing my hair from second day… Including not being in pjs too long does make you feel alot better…!!

    If now is the time for the bfs and friends to show their love is when you have plastic surgery! Lol

    I’ve just added a few more picis today… Im very swollen and bruised but your welcome to have a look if u want. What size did you girls have?


    Lol mine said the same! I was walking so slowly!! If was nice to get out and about. We had to take the car though and that was a tad uncomfortable on the bumps!! Lol. I had 360 moderates from about a 32c. Not quite sure what size I am now as I’m in a macom bra. Yeah would it be ok to add you and take a peek? I have a couple of pics up but only in my sports bra as haven’t taken mine off much yet. Xx

    ayshababy 5

    I barely moved for 3 weeks lol!! I was a state!x

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