How long was the whole process for you all? x Started by: Hannah

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  • Hannah 32

    Hi all
    I have my first phone consultation this saturday and honestly want to get the procedure asap!

    How long was it from your first call to meeting surgeon/surgery x

    Hollie 6

    Hi Hannah, it’s gone super quick for me as I have a long haul flight I need to have recovered before in April. I had my initial call last Friday, managed to get booked on a clinic the next day, my surgery is booked for 7th March with mr Traynor. I really don’t think it’s usual for it to be booked so fast but it is possible if all the steps work out, hope that’s helpful! X

    Hannah 32

    Wow Hollie that is so soon how exciting for you omg!!!
    I am the same as I go away on 10th June so want to be able to recover x
    What are you having done? Xx


    Hi Hannah, I didn’t rush mine but my intial call was end of Nov 22 and I had my surgery Saturday just gone so in total 9-10 weeks. I also held this up as I couldn’t make a consultation until end of December.
    They seem to be pretty flexible and depending on what surgeon you want and where you are travelling too. I’ve just had Dr Anna De Leo at the Welbeck and she was amazing! I’m 4 days post op and I’m so happy!!

    Hollie 6

    Hi Hannah, yep it’s been super quick. I don’t think that’s a normal time scale lol. I’m having 325cc under muscle. What are you thinking? X

    Kat 2

    I had my online consultation on Feb 15th! I’ve got my surgical consultation in about a month 🙂 I’m honestly very excited and just want to get it over with so I can begin recovering xx hope yours goes well too

    MsNR22 26

    I had my surgery under 4 weeks from my initial phone consultation. It’s 2 weeks today since my op.

    Hermosa 1

    Hi! i had my face to face consulation 31st of January and had my surgery yesterday! Which was 19th of Feb!

    Emma 1

    My consultation was 31st jan and I’m booked for 27th march , they were a couple of dates left in feb but I k new I needed a little longer to sort things out with taking time off work x

    Hannah 32

    Wow it is so soon for you all! How exciting thank you everyone xx


    First contact 5th Jan, surgery 28th February

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