How long will it take for me to get back to normal after surgery Started by: Marie

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  • Marie 3

    Hi girls
    How long has it taken for ye to get back to normal
    My friend said she was up and about after 2 days Is this right ,and back to driving after a week ,when would I have to go back for checkups with the nurse and the surgeon xxx


    I don’t drive but I feel 90% back to normal after 2 and a half weeks. Finally haha! I expect I’ll feel 100% in the next 2 weeks. The first few days were horrendous though! Xx


    Oh and you have to go back for your 7 day checkup and 6 week checkup 🙂 xx

    Amy 265

    After day 3 your over the worst. You can not drive for 2 weeks and after that the it easy as manouvers can be tricky.
    Takes weeks to feel 100% but most the time your just conscious of hurting yourself but soon you forget about your new biibs as if you have always had them. I saw nurse at 10 days to have strapping removed then again at 15 days to have dressings off. Then again at 6 weeks which is when she all clears you to go get measured and buy bras. Then saw surgeon at 12 weeks. X

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