how many po appointments do u have Started by: victoria

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    Just wondering how many times after the op u have to go back to see the nurses and dr.
    I live about 3 hours away from the hospital so dreading the answer to this.

    Stephanie 1

    I had my 1st week check today but you only go to the clinic for your checks rather than the hospital, it would be a nightmare for me to, as I live 2 1/2 hours from the hospital I had surgey bit only 20-30mins from mya clinic. I also have my 2 week check next week. After that I’m not sure. X


    I had my weeks check, then my 6 week check.. Seeing the surgeon on Monday then i think that’s it tbh xx

    Laura 13

    I went to clinic at 1 week po to see nurse then 2 weeks post op to see nurse and then I am seeing surgeon at 16 weeks post op.


    I asked the nurse this at my one week check… So due to the surgeon I chose I had my one week check which everyone has, then I had a two week check to trim my stitches as my surgeon likes to leave the stitch sort of hanging out otherwise you wouldn’t have a two week check, a six week check and then an appointment with surgeon. No other appointments unless you have concerns 🙂 hope that helps xx


    Thank u everyone. Seems around 3 then.
    Looks like its going to cost a small fortune in diesel but im sure it will be worth it in the end 🙂 xx

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