How many post op checks are you supposed to have? Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 8

    I am 5 weeks post op today…i saw nurse after 7 days and after 14 but nothing since and havent heard from anyone at all. Is that it do they just leave you to it ? Xx

    Laura 143

    Im only 1wpo but i saw my nurse/surgeon at 5dpo an i dont have to go again until im 7 wpo… i think its abit bad if im honest like once they have your money thats it. But obviously if you have any problems im sure they would see you xx

    Laura 8

    Yes i agree…from what i have read on google it seems like other surgeons do the follow ups themselves and like to check their progression and work…here its just a nurse who checks theres no infections etc and leave you to it unless u have a problem. I know if i was a surgeon id like to see how theyd actually turned out as how can they improve their work if they never see a patient again x

    Laura 8

    Looks like im talking to myself here as were both laura hahaha x

    Cath 75

    I’m not with mya but I had a 1wpo with my nurse to remove my dressing and check everything was ok. I see my surgeon on 5th October for my 6wpo I will see him again at 6months and 12 months then that will be it. My nurse is always texting me to make sure everything is ok tho and said if I have any concerns she or my surgeon would be happy to see me xx

    Laura 143

    Haha i thought same laura first 4 comments all say laura haha, my surgeon was there when i sae the nurse he was the one who (very roughly) cleaned my incissions and put on my steri strips which i have to take off next week. But then i dont go back now till 20th october which is 6 weeks from today. No one contacts me at all unless i text them on the number they gave me… they do always reply and they would see me if i had a problem but does feel like you are kind of left to your own devices after surgery. Xx

    Tanya 2

    Im not with Mya, but go back to the hospital after 1wk & 3wks, see my surgeon at 2wks & 6wks x

    Michaela 15

    I was informed nurse check up would be on week one & week two (I’m uplift as well though) then surgeon check up at 6 weeks xx

    Laura 8

    Yes seems funny everyone whos commented and not with mya sees there surgeon a few times after surgery! I havent had any mention of seeing the surgeon since im also 5 weeks and wpuld have expected the nurse or mya to text and say your due ur next appt…michaela are u with mya? Xx

    kelly 58

    My friend went with Mya, she had, one at 1 week, 6 weeks and 12 weeks. All with the nurse. Then one with the Surgeon.

    Stacey 498

    I had a one week post op two week post op 6 weeks then 12 weeks post op with Sugoen xxx

    Laura 8

    Oh ok maybe there all different…ill just have to wait and see! Xx

    Joanne 54

    I saw nurse for my 2wpo yesterday and she booked my 6wpo while I was there then think the next is 12wpo xxx

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