how much do you think it would cost to go bigger? :( Started by: stacey11

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    I had my ba 4 weeks ago, and i am measuring a DD from being a flat B but it’s not the “look” i wanted, they look too small with clothes on, i wanted the “obvious fake” look.. i’ve realised now that a 32DD looks different cup size to a 34/36 DD
    My ideal size was looking at models with 32ff! which would have sounded HUGE to me before my surgery, i even asked to be a 32D at my consultation because a DD sounded huge so im glad he made me a little bigger!

    so i look a lot smaller than i wanted, When i go to see the surgeon in 2 weeks i want to ask him how much it will cost me to go bigger
    I payed 3750 and i feel so sick knowing i payed that and choose a size which isn’t perfect :(

    in one way i wish i could CC or something so i’d have to have a redo lol :(

    any ideas?



    it will probably cost the same as wat u payed for them before, it could be more if u want quite a big implant. and u’d have to wait quite a while before havin them re done. u might not be able to fit a bigger implant in so u’d have to wait for your breast tissue to stretch with the implants u have got in now. the surgeon will be able to tell u when u see him. What implant size did u have?



    What implants did you have hun? I think you have to wait 6 months before they can reoperate but as Cheryl said he’ll explain more to you at the consultation. Sorry to hear you’re not happy, give them a chance to settle into place though cos they quite often end up a completely different shape and you’re still healing xxx


    hi stacey i know eactly what you mean i wanted to be a dd / e and looking and those sized bras i thought they would look massive but your so right when you say they do not look that size at all i am also going back to see my surgeon, already told him i wasn’t happy and i thought they would be bigger had mine done ist june and in august he said come back in november when they have settled and he’ll talk to me about price and eveyrthing. but i felt exactly the same as you when i had mine done and it gutting aint it when you think of the money you spent i just wish they would tell you that a fake dd does not look as big as a natural dd.
    but dont worry sweety trust me you aint the only person that feels that way!!

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