How old were you when you had your BA? Started by: Saff

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  • Saff 67

    How old were you or how old are you going to be if you have them done in the future? Was it/ will it be your first cosmetic procedure? Was it the right time for you? Or do you wish you waited a few years or perhaps got them done sooner?

    Karen 41

    I had mine done just after my 41st birthday which was 8th nov & I was booked in for the 17th nov, I would of done it sooner if I’d had the means & its the first cosmetic surgery I’ve had & the only surgery I’ll have xx I’ve known these procedures to become addictive but that’s a road I’m not going down unless it will make me immortal cos I wanna have fun with my boobs for a loooooong time lol

    Jo 46

    I’m 2.5 weeks post op and I’m 36 and I’m so glad I have gone through with having my uplift with BA. Struggling a little with nipple pain but it’s totally worth it xx

    Stacey 55

    I had mines done when I was 24! Wish I had done it sooner xxx


    I’m 27 and I think for me this was the right time. I think it really is such a personal decision and everyone reaches different stages of their life at different ages. For me I’m in a happy relationship but still have a good 4/5 years before I want to have children. I’ve lost the weight I wanted to lose and felt happy in my body but missed my boobs. I feel fab about myself now and love my new body.

    Lindsey 49

    I’m 30 just had mine, this was my first surgery. Have thought about if for a very long time but just never had it done for one reason or another. I would have loved to have it sooner but think right now is probably a good age for me as I’m happy with what I have now, I think if I would of had them younger I probably would have gone on to have loads of other surgeries lol! X

    charlotte 4

    My op is next month and 3 months before my 21st. I’ve literally wanted them done for as long as I can remember and would rather do it now while I’ve got the disposable income with no real responsibilities. Xx


    I was 25 when i had mine done and think it was probably perfect timing for me personally but everyone is different xx


    I still waiting for my op but I’m 19 nearly 20 I’m hoping it will be the right time for me I’m done having kids now but if i wasn’t I think I would have waited longer I no how much pregnacy changes you boobs x


    I’m 23. I think I’ve had them done at the right time. I’ve had 2 children (born 1 year apart) and breastfed both. I’ve wanted my boobs done since being a kid but glad I got them done after children and not before.

    I almost got them done at 18 and Very glad I didn’t. I think I was still a kid then and would’ve rushed into it More hastily. It’s my first cosmetic procedure but won’t be my last.



    I’m 36 and have a daughter, she’s just turned 13, I feel it was the right time for me, (I’m four wpo now) I nearly got them done ten years ago but things happened in life, health and business came first and I felt financially I wasn’t in a position to, I wanted to pay cash (which I did) and not get in debt, I know everyone’s different but I’m happy now and it’s the best thing I’ve done for me ever xx

    Emily 29

    I’m 26 and I had mine done last month, I nearly got them done when I was 18 before I went to university (which probably would have been better recovery wise as I didn’t start for over 2 months!). But I’m glad I didn’t rush into it and waited until I’d done enough research and could afford to pay in cash rather than go into debt.
    It’s a very personal decision and I know girls who’ve had them done at 16 and 18 and are happy with the timing – although I think they had more of an issue with other people voicing unwanted opinions! Xx

    Beita 14

    I had mine done about 10 days ago and I
    am 25. I’ve wanted to have them done since I was 18, but had to fund it myself. This was the first opportunity where I had the money to pay for it in one go and also had family around to look after me for those first few days. If I had the financial means of doing it earlier I would have!

    Nicola 26

    I am 8 wpo and I am 54.Decided to use some of the money my mum left me. I lost weight when my mum was ill through stress of it all.My boobs went south.I had a tummy tuck when I was 40 afterI had my 3 daughters.


    I had mine done 20th December this year and I’m 35. I don’t have children and no plans to, although you never know. It’s been on my mind for years and I finally decided to take the plunge! All my friends said they wished they had done it sooner and I’m certain I’ll feel the same! I’m still really sore and have had a bit of the Booby Blues for one reason or another however I definitely don’t regret it! Just cant wait to enjoy them properly. Very excited about that! X

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