Hey Girls,
My op is on the 24th june and my sisters hen party is the 10th of july so is only 2 and half weeks post op!! We will be out clubbing and doing really active things ect and I’m a bit worried as to how sore they will be? Do you still have to wear the really big bra or could I avoid it for one night? Would i be able to have a spray tan? can you drink?? Any advice would be appreciated x
Hi I’m 3weeks post op today and I still couldn’t imagine going out clubbing I feel a lot better than the first week but if I do to much in the day I feel so sore and stif on the night but I had under the muscle so I know it can take longer to heal. Just see how u feel on the day xx
I wouldn’t advise having a spray tan if your incisions aren’t completely healed you could get an infection.
If you was to go out clubbing I wouldn’t not wear a bra I’d probably wear a cropped top and a sports bra underneath being so soon after surgery a vigorous movement could maybe rip your incision! Be very cautious in the 3 months after surgery! I’m 3 months post op now and sometimes mine still ache if i do too much. But you can drink!! Hope this helps good luck for your surgery xxx
@chardobson I haven’t even tried a normal bra on yet as my incisions are still really itchy so I think it would just irritate them to much I think the longest I have gone bra less is about an hour just around the house then needed my sports bra back xx
Hey, I am just over 3 weeks post op. I personally wouldn’t feel up for clubbing yet, I did go to a wedding reception at the weekend and felt fine but couldn’t really dance and stuff :/ you are supposed to wear your Macon/sports bra all day and night for 6 weeks minimum afterwards (at least that’s what or been told) so I wouldn’t advise wearing a normal bra Hun. Also with spray tans, you would need to be really careful not to get it near your incisions as you are at risk for infections, which would set back your healing. It’s a bit rubbish for a few weeks afterwards lol, but it’s worth being cautious in the early stages so things can heal and settle xxx
Hey I’m 2 and a half weeks post op and I have no pain at all and I had under the muscle.. I wouldn’t chance not wearing a bra or tanning though just incase they start to feel heavy.. Every ones different with the healing process but you will know yourself how much your body can take xx
Ah no this is so annoying!! The wedding is also on the 8th august so i will be about 6 weeks post op, I’m a bridesmaid and i cant physically wear a bra with the dress so i am hoping it will be ok by then!! If i have a spray tan i will just not go anywhere near the incisions!! Thanks girls @sadem @hayley @clairelh xxx
If you really want a spray rant cover your insisions with a dressing so the tan doesn’t go on them! That’s what I would do! xxx
I’m having my op on the 22nd and im also going to London for the weekend of the 10th July! We are watching ed Sheeran one evening but it’s seated seats. I was hoping to have drinks on the saturday but I guess I will have to see how I feel
Hi girls! Im 3 weeks post op and I too wouldn’t go clubbing etc as they are quite tender and you know what people are like for Knocking into you when out. For the best results its best to follow the advise your given as you wouldn’t want to cause yourself and damage or risks. I know its a bit boring etc but you’ve changed your body massively and do have to listen to advice as its there for a reason I guess. Ive read no spray tans for upto a year po as they can cause so many probs coz of the amount of chemicals in them. And sports/macom bra is needed at all times I feel as otherwise they start to feel heavy and like they are pulling abit. Ive only just gone back to work on short shifts and come the end of it I feel tight and bit uncomfortable. Just take it steady I guess and dont try to do to much to soon! Although i had an amazing recovery im still careful about things. After all you’ve had these boobs to feel better and would feel gutted if you damaged them! Xx
@mercedes ah that’s annoying your not having it Wednesday with me!! I’m trying to find someone who is the same day as me, let me know how you get one! Thanks @rochelle that’s so helpful. I don’t want to take any risks so I wont have a spray tan or anything !! Just really can’t miss out on the hen do but will just have to go really careful I guess! Too much money is being spent to risk it haha! What was your recovery like? xxx
Hi love, my recover has honestly been amazing. Ive not been in pain, more Tired Out and at times uncomfortable. But I have taken it really easy. I didnt drive for over 2 weeks, had plenty of reat, ate well and have only just gone back to work. Although its been a bit tedious not doing your normal daily routine I think this is why ive had such a good recovery. Thats it your spending a lot of money and to risk the new boobs is not worth it! And you wont want to take any chances once youve got them as you will feel amazing!! Take it steady and each day at a time! Defo go on the hen but just take extra care xx
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