How soon after surgery can you apply lotion to scarring? Started by: Aimee S

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  • Aimee S 26


    I know the surgeon will tell me this when I meet him but today I bought a silicone stick which you apply to fresh scars to minimize scarring. Does anybody have experience of using these on incisions? And how soon after can you apply to the incision?

    Also, how soon after can you apply bio oil (or similar) to your breasts? Can you apply it onto your skin avoiding the incision or not at all?

    Thanks! 🙂


    @aimeestrawberry I started using bio oil 4weeks before my opp to help minimize stretching I started using it again 2wewks after my opp but only on the top nowhere near incisions in 8weeks now and using bio oil and dermatix silicone gel x

    Aimee S 26

    Hi @Clairelh did you just have to wait until the incision was healed to start applying the gel? Or did nurses give you the OK? Have you noticed any stretch marks so far? I’m paranoid about getting stretch marks as I have them on my thighs from puberty, I’ve been applying bio oil and palmers stretch mark lotion for about a week meaning I’ll have been doing it for a fortnight before surgery but hopefully will still do some good! And will try make a conscious effort to drink more water during recovery.

    Thank you 🙂 x


    @aimeestrawberry the nurse gave me the all clear at my 6 week check up I have got a few little silvery ones near my nipple at the side but I was very flat before so expected some xx

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