How tell tell your 'male' boss why you can't lift! Started by: Trace

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  • Trace 158

    Hi ladies

    So I am going for my initial consultation tomorrow in Birmingham with a view to booking in for my BA asap. I had booked in over 3 years ago but then found out I was pregnant so everything got put on hold!

    Anyway, I have a desk based job but I do have to do a lot of looking through Lever Arch files, some of which are located above my head on a big shelf! Obviously I will not be going into work for a week or possibly two after surgery, but would assume I will still be sore and unable to lift high.

    How do you tell your male boss that you can’t lift your full of paper Lever Arch files back on the shelf etc?? Did you tell them the truth or make up some other story? He obviously won’t know why I want to book the holiday – as they don’t ask and it’s not something I really want to share with him!


    I lied to my colleagues and boss when I had my BA :/ I worked in a bookshop and was expected to haul boxes of books about, so made up a “bad back”. It was annoying as I had to keep talking about “going to the docs if it didn’t get better” and I also felt really guilty for lying, but it worked and there was no way I was telling them about my BA.
    I just had to bear in mind that I might have had to go to my GP and lie to her to get a DRs letter, which I really wouldn’t have liked, but thankfully it never got to that point.


    I was totally honest, I work in an office full of guys. Im quite an open person so did not mind people knowing about it, all the guys in my office have been really great and helpful so telling them was a good thing I think 🙂 xx

    Yana 51

    If you go to the gym or smth you can say you pulled a muscle (which takes long time to heal). Or even better— over your holiday you did DYI or deep clean in the house or attic and hurt your back. It’s not bad enough for GP, and no one would ask for doctors note unless you were off sick.
    It’s uncomfortable lying but it’s not something that I would tell at my work. They aren’t my friends and it’s too personal.
    So if you want an idea, that would work fine.. 😉 I would believe that and smth that doesn’t provoke other questions.

    Zoe Jordan 17

    I’ve been honest, the males in my workplace are aware I’ve had breast surgery or surgery on the top half of my body. I don’t see the point in sugar coating it. I look different with my reduction


    I’ve. Told my male boss told 3 times now as I’m on my 3rd revision surgery now end of the there is no need to lie or feel embarrassed about it where all grown up where u going Birmingham ? Xx


    Sorry bloody iPhone is missing most of words. You will be ok wot can he say lol xx

    Jodie 1

    When I was a bank manager one of my girls had a BA and I had to do a risk assessment and she returned on light duties , you should be honest as a health and safety point ! Xx

    Trace 158

    Thanks for the advice ladies, it all helps a lot.
    I’ve not been at my job long so I’m not as open as I would have been at my old place, they all knew I wanted boobs lol.
    I just know people judge, especially some girls there… Xxxx

    KarinaC 10

    I work in construction industry – full of men obviously. I was honest with my boss and told him that I am having a BA, he was brilliant about it. I wouldnt worry about people being judgemental – dont have the time for them. I would just embrace it, they might talk about it for a bit but t wont last long. xxx

    Trace 158

    Thanks ladies, I wish there was a ‘Like’ button option for posts like Facebook lol! Xx

    KarinaC 10

    Thats might be a suggestion for MYA Moderators – think they will be developing this forum further xx

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