I think as my swelling and bloating has gone down my post op bras might be abit big and im worrying im not getting enough support??? Should the band around the bottom be like really tight to keep them up or not to tight so it doesnt hurt your insisions… Im confused! Any advice very welcome girls ?
I’m im the same boat as you but mine is so tight around my boobs it hurts and makes them itchy xxx
@jamie2202 its hard isnt it? I feel like the band around bottom of my macom is abit slak? But its tight on my actual boobs….dont know if i should get a smaller band size. Mine are getting to the sunburnt feeling stage too ? what kind of bra are you wearing at the min xx
Yes that’s it sunburn feeling! I have Macon. I’m going to get measured at marks and Spencer’s tomorrow and try on there post surgery bras. I have heard asda are good but I don’t know my size etc and want to get one that fits. What do you wear? My band is tight to my body.xxx
@jamie2202 ive got a small macom and an m&s zipup one but i think thats too big now as im usually 32 but i got 34d which was fine in the start with the blaoting and swelling. I think i might go and get measured too i dont want to be wearing the wrong size. Is your band so tight that it leaves a red mark around your middle or not? I dont want mine really tight so that it hurts my insisions but think it does need to be abit tigher xx
My macom is loose around the bottom but tight round the boobs! The nurse said mine was quite loose but said its fine! 🙂 also when I was a sunburn stage I wore a normal pull over ur head sports bra which was soft for a few hours and just made sure I slept in macom xx
Kim where did you get your sports bra? How long did your sunburn last for? Xxx
Lisa my macom is tight at the bottom but doesn’t leave marks and isn’t sore. Let me know how you get on if you get measured and what you went for pls xxx
@kim-passey ah thats such a relief to hear your nurse said thats ok ? thanks hun xx
@jamie2202 will do hun you too ? xx
Hi Lisa, I got Marks and Sparks bras, so much better. 2 for £29.50.xxx
@jamie2202 did you get measured? I havent got round to it yet but spoke to my nurse about it and the band on my macom is leaving a red mark from the band so think it is tight enough lol. Glad you got sorted though i will have a look to m&s in next couple days xx
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