How tight should sports bra be? Started by: Samantha

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  • Samantha 1

    Hi I had my op done yesterday, 350/375 hp overs and love them but am just wondering how tight should my sports bra be? I am scared of squishing them or misshaping them.
    I had ms Lutz and she said “granny” bras but the band was digging in and where I’m all bruised it was killing me so I’ve just swapped
    So many conflicting advise on what’s the best post op bras I don’t want to ruin em lol
    Thanx xxx

    bekka 4

    Hi Samantha, I’ve got the m&s bra on I’m 2dpo mine is tight thought this is just normal though but now I’m worried incase I’m mishaping them xx

    Emma 2

    Mine was tight but I liked it as I felt like they were supported I wouldn’t of thought you’d misshape the as there’s no wiring or anything

    Samantha 1

    Oh phew thanx girls I was worried I was ruinin em lol but yeah they feel a lot more supported then they did in the horrid granny bra
    I av ordered a Macon bra too as I just don’t know wots best ha ha xx

    Emma 6

    Hi Samantha…I had Ms. Lutz yesterday too! I’ve also taken my ‘granny bra’ off tonight and put on a sports bra ???? but I’m opposite to you and worried it’s a little too loose but soo much more comfy!! Xx

    Samantha 1

    Hi Emma, I have just received my macom bra and swapped again my poor boobs r like “what the hell, just leave us alone” but I av to say out of all of the bras this is prob the comfiest I just hope Ms Lutz doesn’t tell me off when I see her For the stitches out lol xx

    Emma 6

    Ah really, maybe I should invest! I think I will be putting my granny bra back on for when I next see her! I’m pretty sore today and my bruising has started to come out. Really hoping I feel a bit more back to normal over next few days! How are you feeling today Samantha? Xx

    Samantha 1

    Yeah I was gonna do the same with the bras when seeing her lol, I’m also feeling the pain today and seeing the bruising too I tried to b brave yesterday and not take the painkillers……was a mistake and am takin em properly today. How u finding the sleeping? And general moving about? Xxx

    Emma 6

    Yeah same, found cocodamol is making my head a bit fuzzy though so just taking that at bedtime and sticking to ibuprofen during the day! Slept a little better last night but it’s hard to stay upright and not slip down the bed! I’m struggling a little as I have a 3 yr old and 6 month old and just feel like I can’t do anything with them 🙁 don’t like having to rely on other people and I havnt got any extra help after Sunday so just hoping will be feeling more able by then! Xx

    Samantha 1

    Oh wow I take my hat off to you looking after such young kiddies mine r 16,13 &11 and bless em they r lookin after me lol
    I’m really struggling with heartburn constantly since the op got my husband to grab some gaviscon so hopefully that kicks in soon
    Let’s both keep our fingers crossed that we’re feeling more human and able to do things for ouselves real soon each day it gets a tad easier
    How long were u advised for the upright sleeping? It’s starting to get annoying now hahaha xxx

    Emma 6

    Um yeah I keep thinking I can do things then realising I can’t, scared I’m going to damage them! I think a week or two sleeping upright, going to try keep up with it until post op on weds then hopefully be able to sleep flat again! Xx

    Samantha 1

    Oh me too and av to keep tellin myself to calm down and not rush things
    And yeah that’s the kind of mind set I’m in for the sleeping, its so tough on one hand it’s a good nights sleep but the other or possibly ruin the boobs lol xxx

    Cayler 56

    @skiderlybob Macom signature bra is really good for this reason the cup size expands to fit so can’t be too tight xxxxx

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