How to get hubby/boyfriends full support for implants… Started by: QueenC

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  • QueenC

    Any tips????

    Yana 51

    Hhmm, talk to him and tell him how important it is for your self esteem and sychological health. That he will see a different woman in you afterwards. A happy and confident one. It’s how you feel and he has to respect that. Tell him you thought about it carefully (I assume you did) and it’s what you want to do and understand the risks etc.
    I don’t know what else to suggest… I only had trouble having my husbands support last year when I wanted tummy tuck but wasn’t prepared to work out much to lose the rest. I have his full support now he knows I’m doing everything possible to stay fit and TT is the answer in the end.
    Good luck with it!


    My boyfriend was completely against my boobies but once Ide sat him down to explain why I needed this he put his opinions to one side to support me! If he doesn’t like fake boobies then it’s the same as my bf and you can’t change that but making him understand the reasons for you wanting your boob job and show that you’ve done the research he should accept it and support you! I couldn’t have done this without my boyfriend he did everything for me after my op an was amazing! I’ve only just recently found out one of the reasons he didn’t want me to get them done was because he thought Ide be getting them out for other guys and it was to get a better guy! This only came out yesterday and I’m 3 weeks post op, just reassure him that that’s not the reason. Whether he will admit it or not that does cross their mind! Xxx


    I have split up with my partner of 15 due to my Ba which was the icing on the cake so to speak. He doesn’t understand or want to try and understand my reasons for this op due to his insecurities.i feel if he cared that much regardless of the situation. I’m a big believer of what will be will be. My op is on Wednesday x

    Yana 51

    Danielle, that is sad… He’s an idiot! And you definitely deserve better. There’s a saying where I come from”a true friend is recognised by your time of need”. Boyfriends come and go, yourself is who you have to live with and be happy within. Be happy and good luck with the op!

    Laura 13

    I am single but all my friends/family have been really supportive. Except from one of my sisters and one of my aunties who have been funny with me, but I really couldn’t care less, it is my life not theres so don’t give a crap.


    Aww bless you. Has he said why he doesnt support your decision? It’s your body afterall! xxx


    Oooh gals thanks for all your in put! I only just got a min to log on! X Gona try and speak with hubby again tonight he hasn’t said no and he hasn’t said yes I think he is hoping i change my mind maybe…. We will see I will keep
    You posted. Been offered 340cc max overs xxx


    Good luck. Yes, we have two kids together and have been together 15 years! I think he thought I would change my mind but is slowly realising I’m not going to. Maybe if men’s body changed due to having kids they’d understand more lol. Only time will tell x


    I have this problem to… he knows why I want it just doesn’t want to understand and it is very annoying.. I spoke to him and he will just change the subject or it turnt to a argument… he said he wont take time off work at all after I have had the op so I am having to take myself and my 6month old son to my mams so she can take time off work to help me

    sarah 3

    what is it with men they need a hard slap in the face sometimes!! my fella wouldnt pay for mine for 8 years nor agree to it, he finally agreed to it and after many rows about it paid the balance. but the weirdest thing from the minute he drove me to highgate he was an angel to me, looked after me and the kids ect took a week off work, hes been amazing tbf! and he said to see me sooo happy he wish he done it years ago for me! we havent had a single row since….crazy ay! so sorry to hear some men are being complete pricks about it! xx


    I wish my partner would see that I would be happy with it they just don’t understand


    Iv wanted a BA for years and when I was with my sons dad he was really against it, he said he didn’t like fake boobs and that I was fine as I am we argued over it all the time and in the end I gave up trying to convince him. We’ve been separated 2 years now and since iv no one to stop me iv decided to finally get the boobies iv always wanted 🙂 I told my ex as he will be having our son while I’m away and he has finally admitted that the real reason he didn’t want me to have my BA, it was because he was scared I would get attention off other men and run away with someone else. I think a lot of men are insecure and instantly think were getting boobies to get that attention rather than to just feel confident in our own skin. Xx


    Well the update is i spoke to hubby last night He is more and more understanding but no YES yet! i am hoping all will be smooth for the suggested date via the doc which is the 27th May 2014 🙂

    Men are tricky in this area I wish I done it while i was single and had no kids to be honest. I tell you what i do find mad is that men LOOK at tits all the time but they dont want their women to go out and make sure they have it???? ODD!

    Yana 51

    I think the way to “sell” this is to say he’ll get the benefits most of anyone! It’s a win-win situation. And if he’s trying to control your life so much, because of his own insecurities -is he really good for you?! My husband can’t wait LoL and he said to listen to the doctor and go the biggest he offers:)))


    hahahahahaha @Yana I am really have a happy marriage hubby never said no just very protective and wants to get his head around it , money or control is not really the issue but he will be paying for it lol so i have to play nice 🙂 so that the whole experience will be a happy one. But yes i know that he will love them in the end and he said he just wants me to be happy in the end, my marriage and my happy home will always come before boobs. I wana have my cake and eat it too!

    myamoderator 138

    Hi Girls
    This may help! its the parent and partner guide on cosmetic surgery news.

    Love MYA Mod

    Yana 51

    I totally agree, everyone has to be on board with the idea, as it’s not a choice you should take lightly anyway, and it’s more difficult if you have no support..
    And it’s certainly not something worth breaking family apart for. Boyfriends.. Bit different story 😉 but where children and husbands are involved it’s difficult if they don’t support you. Don’t think I’m qualified to give professional advice by far:))

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