Hp or uhp not sure Iv chosen right ???? Started by: Tilly

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  • Tilly 15

    Iv picked uhp & now worried there gonna look really fake & stuck on. Umm not sure wether to change to hp. Worried


    I’m having ultra high profiles next Sunday, my surgeon told me that he wouldn’t put any other profile in as they would be to wide for my chest so I’m trusting him. I’m not sure if they’ll look majorly fake I suppose it depends if ur having unders or overs. I’m having unders xx

    Tilly 15

    Iv seen loads having overs nowadays,i don’t think there’s much difference. I’m having overs & want a cleveage & a little side boob, some say uhp give you it,some say uhp don’t. I’ll keep looking & chatting to others to find out,there finds. Keep us updated of your progress & thanks for your response x

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