I am worried about them not cutting enough off of my labiaminora Started by: s

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  • s 1

    heya I am currently doing a bit of research before I book my e-onsultation. However, I have read quite a few comments about girls not been happy about how little has been cut off. I want my labiaminora to be basically invisible. Right now its very potruding out of my majora and I hate it so much. All other aspects of my vagina I am happy with I just want the minora to be enclosed and sit compleety in my labiamajora.

    -Has anyone already had surgery and achieved these results ? I want a barbie vagina really

    – has anyone already had surgery and is still left with a protruding minora !!?

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by s 1.
    Rachel 12

    I’m exactly the same! I want a labiaplasty and hoodectomy, i want it all basically off! They’ve said my surgeon will be Dr milleto- does anyone have any feedback from him?

    s 1

    hey rachel, ive looked on real self and cannot find alot on him, what ive read he dose alot of boob jobs but cant seem to find anything on labia plasty . i am the same as u want it alll gone but so many reviews are people saying not enough has been cut off and thier not happy xx


    I am post surgery and Mr Mileto did it. I had both the minora and majora and a hoodectomy done. I’m now 18 days post surgery. For me the recovery has been a little difficult, but then again I’m 52 years old. I am only now just about walking properly and still can’t really sit. For me it has been painful others seems to have sailed through it no problem. Now what I’m trying to say is you really have to trust the process. I’m only now just beginning to see an improvement and I’ve still got a lot of swelling. I too was worried that not enough was cut off , but every day seems to produce more of a picture of how it’s going to look. Trust in Mr Mileto my results are definitely going to end up being what I wanted and as far as I’m concerned he is brilliant!!!!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Marie.

    Hi! I had a labiaplasty and hoodedtomy with Dr Mounir in Manchester recently. When we discussed how much he would take off, he said that he would need to leave a small amount of the minora to protect the vagina from discomfort and infection etc. I am still quite swollen as only 10 days post op but my minora is already tucked in my majora. I had lots taken off as my labia were extremely long before & I am happy with the results so far. My advice would be to have faith in your surgeon and absolutely trust the process. I’m still in the really early stages of recovery but already I know it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. Best of luck with everything! Xx

    Rachel 12

    Thank you all so much.
    They said to me that Dr mileto is the only one to do hoodectomy & labiaplasty? My hood is just as bad as my labia to be honest. I am worried about the procedure afterwards, because I think it will be easier recovering from just a labiaplasty than the hoodectomy too – I can imagine it’s more painful. I am nervous! I can’t find a lot of reviews for mileto, wish it could all come off! Or ideally wish I didn’t have this issue in the first place – luckily booked in for my consultation with him in a few weeks so I can get the process started. I just want it done now. Xx

    Rachel 12

    Does anyone have any post surgery advice what I will need & what to pack in my hospital bag etc? Xxx

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