I can feel my implant moving Started by: Zoex

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  • Zoex

    Hi ladies I’m just over 9 weeks post op. I had implants over the muscle however my left boob feels really weird. It’s like the implant is rubbing against my nipple or moving especially when I lean forward. At night I have to hold it if I roll to the side as it feels like it’s moving around. Has anyone else experienced this? Should I be worried?

    Christine 27

    Hi Zoe, I have something similar with my left one. I am much more aware of the implant in that one whereas my right now feels likes it always been mine (6weeks post op also over the muscle) When I bend over I feel it, not around my nipple but high up and in my cleavage area. I wouldn’t say moving around but definitely feel something. I think it’s just the implant rippling until there’s more space, at least I hope so. My left was naturally bigger (by a tiny bit) and my surgeon used the same size implant, I think it’s just taking longer to settle for that reason, skin needs to stretch more for implant to fully soften and relax. Here’s hoping anyway. If you get checked over and it’s something else do let me know xx


    Did this ever go right?
    I’m 11 weeks post op after reaugmentation I went for slightly bigger implants as had a capsulectomy in my left breast so was advised to go bigger due to removal of scar tissue.
    I have exactly the same sensation high in my cleavage as though the pocket is too big for the implant and it’s moving!
    My right one is completely fine!xx


    I’ve currently got this issue too, got an appointment next week. Anytime i lean forward it moves around. Still not able to get back running yet with this 🙁

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