I cant believe i have boobies!! Started by: Sophie

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  • Sophie 90

    Hey girls, i had my op yesterday and just wanted to share a little of my day with you all.

    My admission was 2pm at preston, the nurse went through my medical stuff then did a doctor and aeasthetist. Mr Traynor came and drew on me and made sure i was still happy with the 400 i had chosen. He also said id be took down in 40 minutes. I wated roughly 2 hours from admission before i went down just after 4. I walked to the pre theatre bit with jane and she put the canular in and just had general chit chat. I could hear the end of the previous surgery as you are just behind the doors which lead into theatre. The anesthetist then came in and i thought he messing around with the canular as he never actually said he was starting the anesthetic. I got a gas mask over my mouth and thats its i was out!

    I woke up hysterically crying i dont know what came over me. I think just all of the emotions in the run up just got to me. The anesthetist had to come and calm me down as me heart rate rocketed over 150. I was dine after a few deep breaths and realising where i was and that i had boobies! Obviously the first question i asked was ‘have i got boobs?’ Haha and mary the recovery nurse showed me them. I got wheeled back to my room after about 10 mins and my boyfriend got called to come back in. From having the anesthetic it actually took about 1hr 50 and im unaure why as it was only meant to be 40 minute procedure but the nurse did say the 400 implants only just fit in so i dunno if he had a bit of trouble getting them in. My boyfriend has going frantic wondering why it took so long lol.

    I felt absoloutly fine and as if i had a good night sleep, ate my cookies had a ham sarnie (the best ham sarnie ive ever had) and a cupp and plenty of water.
    Getting up is a strange one because obviously you cant use your arms to sit up you have to use your ab muscles and today my abs are killing me! I went to the toilet feeling all fine then got back to my room ready for discharge and took a right funny turn. I thought i was going to faint, went all clammy and sweaty, couldnt hear properly and thought i was going to be sick. I got my boyfriend to fully open the window and i sat there for a bit and ate a few crisps and i felt much better! This delayed my discharge time though and i didnt get out of the hopital until 10:40pm last night.

    I stayed at the Ibis which is 2 mins down the road and requested extra pillows. I had a good night sleep with the set up i had. Left to come home at 9am this morning, wasnt too bad but nearer home i could literally feel my boobs expanding and my nipples stinging. When i got home they were and still are double the size as when i first saw them haha.

    Im not in pain as such just aches when im up and about. It feels absoloutly fine when im proper up in bed but quite achy when i stand up. LOT of back ache aswell which i wasnt expecting, that eases when im all relaxed in bed though.

    I was only given paracetemol and ibroprofen for pain releief and a weeks worth of antibiotics, all of which i started this morning as i didnt feel like i needed any last night

    Right now my boobs feel a but burny but it seems to hurt when i put an icepack on also. So im resting ice on for a few mins then taking off.

    Looking forward to see how they change over the coming weeks 🙂 any questions feel free to ask i dont mind

    Laura 47

    Thanks so much Sophie. I’m in at 1pm tomorrow at Preston so I’m guessing it’ll be similar for me. That’s really informative. It does seem to have taken a while! I hope I’m not under so long. Anyway! You’ve done it now. Take good care of yourself and your boobs now! Hopefully I’ll be long gone by 11 xxx

    Sophie 90

    Hi Laura, good luck for tomorrow it is all so worth it! What surgeon and sizes are you having? Ah yeah hopeully your down by about 3 and you only have to wait 3 hours from getting back to your room to get discharged. The day really goes fast. Xxx

    Kirsty 23

    hey babe,

    Congratulations on your new boobies, that’s unlucky you had a funny turn and didn’t get discharged till late but you were in the best place. hope the pain isn’t to bad today and you cope ok. wishing you all the best in your recovery cant wait to see photos soon 🙂 xxxxx


    Congratulations on your new boobies! 😀 Really glad it’s all over and went well (well as well as it could haha) What do you see the Doctor for before surgery? I think I’m coming down with a cold and heard they can stop surgery if you have a temperature? Terrified it will be stopped xxx


    @sophy123 congratulations Hun!! I’ve requested you, I hope that’s ok. Did you have unders? I’ve been offered 375 & 425 (assymetry) partials. So similar size to you, would love to follow your progress. Happy healing x

    Sophie 90

    Hi kirstyyou must have yours (finally) tomorrow? Im in a bit of pain now but its in my ribs. Honestly its so strange where you actually get pain after a BA.

    Rachel, the nurse comes round and takes temperature and goes through medical history and then the ward doctor comes around and listens to your heart and lungs and gpes back over medical history.

    Thank you Louise. I had 400 partials, quite painful in my rib area now. Il upload photos once they start looking normal and come around from under my arms hahah

    Sorry its hard to tag people pn my phone lol xxxxx

    Melanie 9

    Hey Sophy, are you able to move around much? I’m feeling dreadful today, just slept and actually been sick.
    I’m not really in any pain while comfy in bed it’s just getting up to go loo or for a little walk around the landing. How’s things with you? Xx

    Sophie 90

    Im literally moving from bed to the toilet and to eat. Im not getting a lot of pain in my boobs more the left hand side of my ribs its getting really painful. My nipples are on fire also haha. People say day 3 and 4 are the worst aswell so maybe worse to come 🙁 xx

    Melanie 9

    Let’s just telling ourselves it will be worth it when it’s all over hahaha xxx

    Joanne 19

    Hi Sophie!! Glad it went well 🙂

    Reading this I’m actually sad that I’m not going to go through this again! Haha wtf!

    I didn’t have a gas mask … had this weird thing fitted into my hand and a liquid put in.

    You were lucky that your heart went up after the op…. the first time I went mine was that high before so they wouldn’t let me have it done … had to wait another 2 months and have loads of heart tests was worried on the day they wouldn’t let me have it done again but they did ????

    Hope your recovery goes well and can’t wait to see pics x

    Sophie 90

    Ah really Joanne that must have been a long wait! I have heart problems and had already hd my actual check up tests at the doctors at the begning of this year so i was able to just use my results from them for MYA instead of having to do everything again. How many days PO are you? Xx

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