I f***ing Love my boob job. Started by: Stephanie

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  • Stephanie -1

    It been less than 8 days.

    It’s the best thing that I have ever done in my life. I’m 41 and I have felt at a party tonight the best I have ever felt in my life instead of feeling 2ft tall, and just wanting to fade away and hide in a corner I wore the tallest pair of heels at the party a stunning Karen Millen blue dress and I looked ok, I felt bloody unbelievable I on top of the world.

    Steph xxxx

    lynseygibz 1

    It’s the best feeling ever having them done isn’t it Hun I love mine and I talked my self out of this for 8 years it was my hubby that booked my consultation for me and booked my op straight after seeing the surgeon put the deposit down so I couldn’t back out and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done apart from my 2 kiddies of course lol but I’m so glad your happy Hun you deserve it how you feeling xxx

    missmaid -1

    Lovely post. Good on you, keep having fun X


    Cheers to new boobies 😉 xx


    Brilliant xx


    Great Hun and they’re going to get bettervand better – I can’t wait to go shopping for nice dresses whenntheyvevsettled loved your dress 🙂 xx

    Stephanie -1

    Thanks everyone.

    I’m now 8 days post op and feeling better. I was struggling for two or three days with really sharp stabbing pains in my right boob, but I’ve had. Non for the last 24 hours which is great so all settling down now have only had one painkiller In the last two days so system is clear and I’m just looking forward to life with my boobies!!


    Really happy for you xx

    Stephanie -1

    Oh.. A weird thing am I the only one that feels this… Now when I get cold it’s almost as if the silicon gets really cold and I struggle to warm up as I have freezing boobs!! Don’t know if it’s just my imagination or something that is there bit lessens wen the tissue builds up around them.



    missmaid -1

    My sister-in-law complains of that after nearly three years so you might be stuck with it. 🙁

    Stephanie -1

    Oh well… I guess Iight need to stock up on thermal vests and thick jumpers for winters 😉

    minisha -1

    Thats fab 😀 xx


    or extra padded bras to keep them warm now you have big boobies to fill them 😀 haha! I’m only 5 days post op, don’t know how I’m going to last 5 weeks before getting measured and bra shopping! glad your happy with them though! like I said, I’m only 5 days post op but its definitely the best thing I’ve ever done, I’ve been doing some online window shopping to pass time and picking out dresses im going to get when they are healed and I know my size, that I would never have had the confidence to wear before! 🙂 good times!! X


    Aw congratulations I’m so so jealous I have to wait another 3 days to get mine it feels like years away im so excited x

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