I hate these boobs lol. 4 weeks po Started by: Georgie R

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  • Georgie R 17

    So I know you have to be patient I get it. But I have one boob which looks like it’s dropped… It’s actually quite saggy and I the other one is alot bigger and round and hasn’t dropped yet (I hope) two completely different shapes he used 300cc in one and 400cc and the other and tbh I feel like he’s made a mistake because you can just tell.

    Do they do revisions if there’s genuinely been a size misjudgement? I’m being patient in terms of dropping but two completely different size and shapes??? Hate them.

    Hannah 214

    I would like to know this as well. I feel if they get the implant size wrong and the don’t match, surely we shouldn’t have to pay for it to be rectified x

    Kath 2

    Hi darl I havnt had mine done yet but I’ve been offered two different sizes , hopfully they’ll both Evan out in time girl , don’t stress , I’ve been reading every day on here and most of the girls boobs have dropped different times so just hang in there darls I’m sure they’ll be amazing good things comes to those who wait , I’m sure he or she has good judgment on what u needed , good luck xox

    Georgie R 17

    Thanks! Fingers crossed x

    Laura 143

    You put a picture on one of my threads a couple of weeks ago, have they not changed since then? Mine havent changed since either xx

    Georgie R 17

    No now they are even worse!!!!

    Laura 143

    Im in the same boat i just put another post on mine are worse today too!! The one that had dropped is starting to fluff an the other hasnt even started to drop nevermind fluff so now different shapes and different sizes so totally understand what you are going through. Just hope they even out soon. You are going on holiday soon aswel if i remember rightly? Hope they even up for you soon xx

    Georgie R 17

    Yes I’m going on the 10th! Tbh in clothes it’s not too noticeable and even it’s kind of disguised in bikinis. I have my appointment at mya on Tuesday so let’s see what they say lol x

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