Had my surgery this morning, not at Mya but privately. I had 395cc overs, I was a 34b before at a push!! Very empty!
Anyway I literally look the same as I did before, the only difference is the feel of them! There obviously hard at the moment. But I literally don’t look like I have had anything done!!! I don’t know if to laugh or cry! I don’t understand it!
Read my previous post I’m literally in the same boat and I’m 8 weeks po
I went to get measured today and got measured at the same as I was pre op. I didn’t know whether to cry or punch the lady who measured me in the face!
I don’t get how I can be the same. So I came home and had only kept one bra from pre op size as a little souvenir and tried it on and yep it fits still. I burst into tears. All that money to be the same I’ve measured my pc, but she’s told me to stop worrying about size and look at how I look in clothes etc. X
I can’t really believe it and I’m questioning if or not he’s lied to me and not used the implant size agreeeded. When I woke up and looked down I instantly knew they was no bigger. I’m embarised that I paid all this money. I don’t really know what to do now
Hey, i felt the exact same abbie! I even asked if it didnt go ahead as i didnt look any different but theres been huge changes in the 5 weeks ive had them. First photo is straight after op and second is 5 weeks after. If you had unders think of it as a water balloon, because its under your muscle. If you put pressure on a water balloon it flattens and widens, that is whats happening with the implant until the muscle relaxes and releases it xx
I had overs Hun, but mine look like your first photo ATM. So seeing the change in yours gives me hope. It’s so hard not to feel deflated looking at yourself straight after. Hopefully some change happens because I literally can’t see a difference ATM. It’s been 24 hours so I know I need to be patient and give it time. What size did you have? X
I have just added you on insta Sophy, I hope you don’t mind. Mines not a boob page just my own account. X
Yeah i didnt like mine for the first 3 weeks if im being honest. It does feel like a longggg waiting game. I had 400cc from an A, so yours should go bigger than mine as you had more tissuee than me to begin with xx
Wow Sophy, your pictures have mede me feel excited. I like my new boobs ( 1WPO, 450cc HP unders) but i wanted a bit bigger. Yours completly change from the first to the second pic. So chances are mine will fluff out a bit lol!! Great picture, thanks for that! Plus your boobs are amazing!! xx
Have you got a before and after Photo we could see Amy? X
@nikki1988 ah thank you, i still have a love hate relationship with them day to day but i also think thats down to still being in my post op bra which makes them look rubbish in clothes. But hopefully i get the go ahead to wear proper bras tomorrow which im so excited about! Yeah defo huge changes to come for you, my tip is to take weekly photos and compre them to see the changes. Try not to look at them all the time as thats when you start to think they arnt changing and you get frustrated x
Hi noticed you’ve had overs thought I’d show you my comparison pic to show you that even though there overs they still drop and fluff. I had 450hp from a 34B now a 34E this was 3 days post op then 4 weeks post op. You’ve just got to be patient and as said above take weekly pics. I hated mine at first but love them
Now xx
I just took my bra off about an hour ago to have a look and I already think the look like they have changed since yesterday. Not going to lie I was really disappointed at first but I now realise I do have to give them time. I will take weekly pictures so I can compare them when I’m having a crappy day lol! I’m wearing the mancom bra and I literally think it is pushing everything down. I’m researching another bra to buy so I can have a swap around. Any suggestions ladies??
Hey Abbie,
Don’t panic. I had 300cc and I’ve gone from an A to a D. So you will definitely have gone up! They just look weird when they are first done. It’s a long wait, but I’ve had friends who’s boobs are still changing a year after.
I’m wearing a Debenhams sports bra and it’s amazing. The Yiana bras on amazon are good too.
Any questions- fire away! Happy healing X
I never used the macrom I got the high impact sports bra from M&S and loved it, it’s the zip up front one. I still wear it to bed now and I’m 4 months post op x
Wow @danielle101 they look AMAZING!! Cant believe the difference!
Abbie the macom definitly makes them look worse, ive stuck it out wearing it though, hopefully i dont need to wear it much longer after my 6 week check tomorrow. I see a lot of people recommending the asda and matalan high impact ones, my worry was them changing size which is why i kept to the macom until i know they arnt going to change any more drastically x
Do the M&S bras come in a cup size? I brought the mancom because I obviously didn’t know what size I would end up. I may try and stick this out until I know the size I’m going to be. Then buy the M&S ones for bed. I do have a high intensity sports bra that I brought from H&M just for the gym, so I may swap with that tomorrow so I can wash the mancom and have a break. Feels so tight so a break from it will be great haha!! Thanks for all your encouragement and messages girls, I can’t wait to see how they change as the weeks go on xx
I’m really struggling today, I can’t believe how there is not much difference at all. I just look like my own boobs have been lifted a bit where there so stiff, I know I’m only 3 days PO but I’m not doing well with this. I was expectiong to wake up with boobs and I defiantly have not. Wahhhhhhh :((
Your just going to have to be paitient unfortunatly my tip was to not look at them all the time. The less you look the more changes you see when you do actually look. Your body needs to accept the implants before anything happens really, its just a long waiting game. Give it a few weeks and im sure you will love them x
I have just taken this photo, hopefully it uploads, I spoke to my friend earlier (she had BA last year) she told me to take the mancom off and just wear a sports bra for a bit, I did that first thing this morning and literally feel much better about them already. That mancom bra was so tight and making the flat to my chest. I know I need to be patient but it’s so hard to remember ???? Lol!
I can see a big difference hun. If you check out pics of other ladies not long after surgery and then their comparative pics weeks later there’s a huge difference.
Give them a few weeks and as they start to drop you’ll see that they are very different to what they were. They are fuller and project from your body more. That’s just my opinion though hun. I understand your panic…
Good Luck x
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