Ignore uplift advice? 350cc implants Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I went to see Mr Mounir last week and he said I would benefit from an uplift one side to correct slight asymmetry and then implants in both (I have no sagging and am currently a 30 C). He also suggested I not have anything done at all as I have good boobs apparently! (but that is out of the question).
    I am reluctant to undertake the uplift on one side as my history with scarring is unpredictable, and my PC has said she’s seen people with the same as me just have implants (different size each side) and look great and if she was me wouldn’t have it done. He’s offered up to 350cc (I’m 5’2″ and petite but curvy). Has anyone else ignored the advice to have an uplift and been happy with their results? Also, will 350cc take me to about a DD??

    Gemma 29

    Hey Hun firstly your PC isn’t a surgeon so shouldn’t really be offering you that specific advice. I’m having an uplift and BA in July with Mounir. If your undecided then see another surgeon Hun and see what they say. We pay good money for the procedures and to go with what your PC says instead of what the surgeon advises is risky business. Everyone’s body is different so the surgeons suggestions is for YOU! Not what other people get away with. Last thing you want is to just get a BA and in a years time that one side has dropped massively. All the best. Xx


    Hey hun I was a 30c also my surgeon gave me a mini uplift with implants (325cc Mod plus unders is what I got in the end)

    I’m glad I had mine because I know my results wouldn’t have looked half as good.

    Like the previous girl said ur pc isn’t a surgeon and also if ur adamant you want implants you should consider what ur surgeon has said and also seek another consultation with someone for their point of view.

    It’s not helpful he said you didn’t need a ba because ultimately despite being a compliment that’s what initally brought you to Mya and your opinion of your boobs overrides anyone else’s.

    Mine lacked volume and were quite far apart. I didn’t think they were droopy until after my op I compared my nipples and realises they were so far down and not centered.

    If you have a slight droop it works out cheaper and u will have a longer lasting ba if u decide to get both done together.

    My surgeon was Linda Fiumara and she is known for excellent stitching and incisions they’re barely noticeable. I don’t scar badly but have started using kelo cote scar silicone gel and it’s reccomended by my surgeon and many others to reduce raised scarring /colour and keloids in some cases.

    I’ll add you so you can take a peak of my journey as I have tons of pics in my full profile. If you have an uplift also you most likey have to stay overnight as its a longer surgery and u need to be monitored which brings the cost up of the whole proceedure.

    Hope that helps with your researching hun fxxx


    @Fran32 I’m intruguiged about what a ‘mini uplift’ is and how it differs to a normal uplift x


    @christieleigh my nipples were lifted and not whole breast/crease. It’s referred to as a doughnut uplift or benelli. Some surgeons speculate it doesn’t do much and due to this it isn’t generally used because it doesn’t benefit the majority of women needing a lift. My surgeon said o was an ideal candidate as I didn’t need a full lift but I needed something to bring my nipples up and an implant alone would have dragged them (the nipples) further down. One boob was larger than the other and it was clear to see my nipple was facing the floor just from the extra weight of that breast tissue.

    If I hadn’t had it done my surgeon said my ba wouldn’t last long and she practically refused to operate on me if I didn’t agree. I don’t blame her tbh as we are all walking adverts for our surgeons work. Dr Fiumara is a serious perfectionist and I really admired what I saw when I researched her so went ahead.

    I’m quite slender and had lost all volume my weight doesn’t fluctuate and I’ve been the same dress size since I was 17 (I’m 33 now)

    Your boobs have to be quite specific to qualify for this as its only for slight cases of ptosis (sagging) with a certain amount of elasticity in skin and breast tissue. I didn’t need a full lift but if u check my pics yoy should see quite a change in my nipple placement.

    Hope that helps

    Jackie 144

    I was told by dr mounir I’d benefit from an uplift as I was grade 1 but I too wasn’t ready for the scarring and healing time and just went ahead with the BA knowing that I’d need an uplift at a later date my decision was based how I felt and when the time comes I’ll look at what to do if they’re down to my knees lol xx
    I’m so pleased with my boobs I had 550cc
    He’s made a 2 stage plan up for my records to state first stage BA then second stage uplift and reaugmentation x
    But as I’ve said I’m pleased with my boobs I was a 34f before surgery haven’t been measured properly yet but got a sports bra from wiggle.com and it’s a 34HH

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    Thank you @gemmah and @fran32 for your comments, it’s good to get other views. My PC wasn’t making a recommendation, just sharing her experiences of what she’s seen before in other people –
    which I asked her for. She has been brilliant and really helpful. I know there is a chance that if I don’t have the uplift that in a year or two I will need additional surgery but part of me thinks I’d rather wait and have both sides done at the same time! They don’t sag at the moment, it’s more that one nipple is slightly lower than the other.
    Thanks for adding me Fran.I’m already having to stay overnight as having labiaplasty at the same time so going to be putting my body through a lot!
    Gemma, you have similar stats to me, what size are you hoping to be after your 350cc overs, and were you recommended ultra high or was that your choice?


    Hi @3086jackief – thanks for sharing your photos. Yours seem to have lifted with the implants and look great. Like you, my decision is based on how I feel about them at the moment in that I have less of an issue with the sight asymmetry than I do with having a scar on one – if it was both I’m not sure I’d be as concerned as at least I’d match!

    Gemma 29

    Helen – Dr Mounir said I could have 300, 325 or 350. Looking at what most other people go for they generally go for the biggest out of the choices given. He recommended ultra high profile as I have a slim frame. I’m an empty 32b at the moment and he said I’ll be close to getting a D. Xx

    Jackie 144

    He did say sooner rather than later I’d need the uplift but I think I’m 40 now and happy how they look (well over the moon actually) x
    My hubby and I have spoken and both said if they get massively droopy then we’ll deal with it xx as I really don’t think I’d like the look of the scarring wheather I’d be 40 ,50 or 60 lol I’m so glad I stuck to my decision xx


    Hi Gemma, he gave me the same choice on sizes so I too have gone for the biggest. We haven’t discussed profile yet but have my second consultation before my pre-op next week so will see what he suggests then. Thanks again xx


    @3086jackief It’s really good to hear you’re so happy with them. Think I’ve got some serious thinking to do over the next week before my second consultation. I’m booked in for surgery on 24th April so not long to go xx

    Jackie 144

    I had 2 consultations with him he was so patient x let me know how you get on xx and good luck x

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