I’m completely new to this, where do i start? Started by: Bubbles

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  • Bubbles 1

    Hi everyone,
    As the title says I am a newbie to this world and really need some guidance.
    I’m 36 years old and have always been flat chested, and I mean FLAT chested, I can’t even pinch an inch.
    After having 4 babies and life pushing me towards a completely new chapter I feel its time to do what I wish with my body and future.
    Breast surgery is something I have always wanted to do but never had the funds or confidence to go through with it.
    I have always been so scared that due to my chest being so flat, boney and pigeon chested that I.ants would stick out like a sore thumb… and I’m not a stereotypical girly girl, I’m a very shy person, with very low self esteem, wear hardly any make up and never go out to let my hair down.
    I feel trapped within my low confidence.
    I always stare at other women’s breasts in such jealousy… to the extent my 12 year old daughter has 5 times the amount of breast to me!! So depressing.

    OK, so where do I start?
    How do I know how to look for a surgeon?
    What to look for in a surgeon?
    I know nobody who has had this surgery.
    Do Mya just allocate a surgeon to you?
    What happens when the times comes to need/want the implants changed/removed… is this included in price?

    I have so many questions!

    Rebecca 4

    Depending what clinic you’re with you can always ask them who your surgeon is, if their surgeons are on their website check out each one individually, trust pilot, social media, Facebook groups and ALWAYS check their before and after photos.
    To the last question if you go through with the operation and decide you want them changed or removed you’ll have to pay either the same price, a little bit less or a little bit more than what you originally paid depending on the clinic.
    Any other questions I’m more than happy to help ☺️x

    Jenna 16

    I was oblivious as to where to even begin when I started this process and just bit the bullet and booked a telephone consultation to get started. During my initial consultation, I talked with the patient coordinator about my reasons for wanting surgery, what I disliked about my boobs and what results I wanted. She recommended a surgeon for me based on everything discussed. I met with him face to face fully aware that I could request to meet with another surgeon if I didn’t think the surgeon was right for me.

    MsNR22 26

    I was the same as Jenna, after years of wanting this procedure I just bit the bullet and attended 2 E-consultations one with MYA and one with Harley medical. Both helped me understand the process and journey ahead and confirmed my suitability.
    I felt more comfortable and gained confidence and decided to go ahead with MYA for the surgeon consultation . And It was the surgeon consultation with mr Mileto that made my mind up as he did my examination and based on my wishes and body type recommended what size / type of implant and procedure I needed. This consultation confirmed my decision to go ahead and get the procedure done. By the way the nurse helped me choose the right surgeon based on my location and other factors. I feel it was absolutely the right choice for me. I’m 3 months post op and very happy with the results and so glad I went through with it 😃
    Just go at your own pace, ask lots of questions at your appointments and know that the surgeon will recommend and perform the right procedure for you and your body.
    And hopefully after all this you’ll come to the right conclusion for you.

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