Hi Girls,
I have booked my op 23rd Jan @ Fitzroy, tubular 34b and undecided from 495 500 550.
I’m really not happy about this whole experiance, I have wanted this and researched it for years…. I see lots of girls so excited and happy pre and post op and I’m just focusing and so worried on the issues.
Im not a surgeon but looking at other girls pics and the implant i’m having, I keep thinking what if? Am I high risk? Strech marks, rippling and all the other complications are going to happen to me… I have rinced my bank dry and If anything does happen I can not afford a re-op. I;’m supposed to be happy and excited and I’m not, Im scared anxious worried!
Feeling so low about it all at the moment 🙁 xx
This is exactly the same as me, everyone seems to be enjoying the experience but ive never been so stressed in my whole life.
Wish I could reassure you hun but im just as bad!
Good luck chick hope everything goes well xxx
What you having and who with hun?
I know I am so stressed and i hate it, ill be happy when its all over AND IF i have no complications. xxx
Ive not had many problems in my experience, slight rippling on my left (not visible) and now a little issue with my incisions but so far the positives have massively out weighed the negatives.Obviously everyone is different and open to risks, but for me having small boobs was something that bothered me for years and made me so unhappy and in LOVE with mine now didn’t think it would be possible to get the exact natural look i wanted. xx
Hi Stephanie what size was you before ? and what cc have you had?
I am so nervous i need to see my PC an maybe my surgeon again, Im thinking of asking for unders less risk 🙁 xx
330cc or 380cc HP Overs with Mrs CC Kat (not with MYA)
Im really struggling to choose a size, and worried if I choose bigger there’ll be stretchmarks, rippling ect.. 🙁
See im having 495 500 550 HP overs. I think I will see my surgeon and pc to disscus my risks and see if i can smaller and unders to play safe. xx
Hey huni it don’t matter with wot size you go stretch marks can happen with any size of implants you just got to make sure you take care of your skin use oil or cream on them xx
To be fair chick any size or implants are not 100% risk free this the chance we take with BA
try not worry about it chick it and think y your doing it and just cross that bridge if you ever get to it and if your thinking wot if now is your chance to box them off b4 your op date talk to surgeon and make sure under stand wot your covered for and how long and same with your after care . Also if your biggest implant size is 550 cc he’s told you that should just gose to sure your skin is good and it needes to be filled out my 1st implants 385/415 did not fill me out at all they looked bad and not nice at all x
If you want fully unders chick pls look at my 1st op pics as unders come with lots of problems as implants are incased under muscles and when you use arms and that chest muscle is is working that grabs on to your implants and pulls them out of place and over the years they can bust your implants Not to sure on how many years covered for this with mya . With unders you don’t get a claveage and your implants won’t be that lovely round shape but pls read up on it chick x
Aww honestly babe, I had a bit of a stress about these things, but itll ruin the experience for you if you let it. There are risks, we all know that pre op, but as long as you listen to the surgeon and go with what they suggest, you should be fine. We’re covered for some problems with mya anyway, like capsular contracture, rupturing etc. as for rippling, I don’t think I have any at all (not entirely sure what it is though lol) and my healing process has been straightforward so far. Try and relax and know you’re in the best hands. Even if you went for the smaller size he’s offered, that’s still a good size implant im sure you will be over the moon with the results 🙂 xx
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