Im so excited. Advice for OP day and after and Photos please Started by: Charlotte

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  • Charlotte 22

    Hey Girlies, Op in 6 days in preston (13th). Having 500cc overs from a 34c. I’m so excited to see them i just hope they are not to big.
    Im a day case so advice on what to take would be great. plus photos on overs too please and advice for recovery.
    ekkkkkkkk im so excited.


    All ur need is a robe slippers phone and charger and something comfortable to wear . If ur far away some girls take a pillow for the car . And some water for the car.

    Wow ur having 500cc from a c cup wot will that take u to …?


    I took a bag with alsorts in and all I used was my Macom and I wiped my face & moisturised it before I came home as my skin felt yak! Didn’t use anything else that I took. I wore comfy clothes to go in/ come back in and didn’t wear my own robe or slippers or anything as the second I arrived I was in my gown and pretty much straight into surgery. Water for the journey is defo a good idea- I drank two full jugs of water after the op (really unlike me) and was still thirsty on the way home! Xx

    Charlotte 22

    Thanks girls. They said roughly 3 sizes so hope to be E. god help me if I’m any bigger. Any photos would be helpful.

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