I'm so poorly :'( Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hello girls!

    Im day 6 post op, due to have my strapping off tomorrow. Im REALLY poorly at the moment, I seen to somehow have an ear/throat infection starting late evening on Day 4. It is literally kicking my arse, I can hardly eat, talk, swallow…. I can’t stay out of bed for very long without feeling light-headed or queezy…. I haven’t phoned the nurse as Im going there tomorrow but do you think I should phone them? Or my GP? I doubt I can take any more medication on top of the current ones. I’m so fed up :'(


    Tracey 43

    Oh that’s awful for you on top of everything else, if I were you I would ring the nhs 111 number they can advise you once you’ve given them your symptoms etc then if they feel you need it they will get a doctor/nurse to give you a call, hope you feel better soon

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