Implant moving? Started by: Sammi Mitchell

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    I am 24dpo and for a while now I have a weird feeling in my right boob. When I bend over and stand back up the implant feels like it’s moving, I have to hold my boob to stop the weird feeling. Also when walking fast or any slight jumping the bottom on my right boob feels like it’s movibv/bubbling. My left one is fine and I can’t feel anything. Has anyone else experienced this?? Xx

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun I had same while at your stage of recovery it just where implant is settling into it’s pocket and the pocket hasn’t quite closed around it full yet I’m a year post op this month and I mine are totally fine now can feel them at all xxx

    E 5

    The bubbling might just be air escaping, I read somewhere to expect that happening xxx


    Ive had the same thing! I thought I was going mad with the bubbling feeling, a girl wrote a post about this a week or so ago, apparently it’s normal so don’t worry! Xx

    Beaux 2

    Hey I’ve noted recently at 11 weeks post op that on my right side I can sort of feel what seems like my implant? I can sort of poke at it and it goes in a littl, no pain or anything but of course I’m panicking!

    Dazzelea 92

    Hi ya I’m 11 weeks too and I can too I think it means it’s settled in it’s povket and it normal only one has dropped so fat my other one is smaller and I can’t move it about as much as the other I’m worried it’s not gonna drop x

    Shannon 3

    I’m 24 days post Op and I have the exact same thing, it’s only in my Right boob, left doesn’t do it at all but I have read to expect that and it is normal! Nothing to worry about, it’s just part of the settling of the implant. It hasn’t settled and healed around the tissue of the great yet, just gotta wait a little while! I sometimes bend over and feel like I have to catch my implant????

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