Implants flipping Started by: Rachael Carter

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    Hi Guys,
    I had my operation done last February and at the time was very happy about the results however as time went on my breasts started to look a lot more natural and then one day the implants started flipping to the point where if I leant over they could potentially turn upside down and the breast would look and feel deformed! As you could imagine I was horrified I felt no pain and went from a 30 B and asked for a D but ended up a 30EE. I’ve been back to MYA and they’ve suggested more surgery to correct this and suggested to go even bigger! I was just wondering has anyone had a similar problem and will more surgery 100% resolve this or will I just have bigger implants with the same problem. I really don’t want to go for more surgery end up with bigger implants that I’m not very keen for because at size 8 and 5″3 they already look huge and have this problem again in 6 months! If anyone knows anything please let me know thanks guys xxx

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