Implants from 2014 – what does a rupture / flipping feels like? Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 2

    never thought I’d be back on here ten years later.
    generally had no issues with my implants, in 2020 I did get sharp pains in one boob on and off. It happens every now and again but boob still looks and feels fine.

    Also the past few years I cannot explain a feeling with it it’s almost like I can FEEL the implant there. I can lean over (washing hair / lying on front) and I feel this weird feeling in that same boob.

    No pain but it’s making me feel sick thinking about it and uncomfortable when I feel the implant. I wanted to know if has experienced what an implant flipping feels like or rupture? Thanks so much x


    I had my original implants in 2014 too. I noticed one of them felt less full, then started to notice the underneath felt different to the other side too. I booked a breast implant ultrasound where it was confirmed one had ruptured, and they could see the silicone leaking into the lymph nodes in my armpits. 3 weeks later I had them out & new ones put in.

    It’s really difficult I think to be 100% sure so book an ultrasound and go from there.

    Silver lining – new ones are slightly bigger (went from 350 to 400), and better shape (went from mud to high profile) dual plane. Recovery was milesssss easier the 2nd time round.

    Hope that’s somewhat helpful x


    I had a rupture, my breast often felt warmer than the other, though it was still very soft. I felt a weird cold feeling moving downwards from my chest. I had many scans but wasn’t picked up until I had an MRI. Stick with your instincts, I had private scans nothing shown, ultrasound first, was dismissed then started getting lumps under my armpits… further investigations shown a leak and I’d been like it for a while. The company I used for my first augmentation was no more so it was difficult to get help. MYA seem to have a good after care service and I’m sure after 2 years they would be able to help there are any issues. Hope all is well


    I had my implants removed and have been without them for 2 years, have had a baby since and have booked with MYA

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