In so much pain Started by: Steph

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  • Steph 17

    I’m 2DPO and I generally am struggling to move. My left breast feels as though it’s tearing everytime i move, I feel as though I can’t breathe and I’m feeling so emotional. Has anyone else had the sharp tearing pain? 🙁


    I had it Steph, I found my bra was tight so sent my partner to buy bigger size and it’s so much comfier! I had it in my right breast my left breast I haven’t felt nothing!! It’s so uncomfortable ???? I’m 6DPO and honestly it gets better, I feel it more in the night now but very mild! Hope u feel better soon

    Steph 17

    It just feels hurrendous. Feel like I can’t even pull my pants down or anything just feel so useless. I’m dosed upto my eyeballs on pain relief and still nothing is touching it. I had extra strapping on to which doesn’t help. Did you take your bra off at all or did you take your old one off then put your new one on straight away?? Xx


    ahh bless you Hun, I literally just rested in bed and only walked to the toilet! I rung the nurse cause I was worried I thought I’d teared something! She said it’s all normal and by 4-5 it will get easier! I took my bra off for about an hour the nurse did say i could go with out the bra cause of the strapping I had but I was a bit worried. I worry about everything lol. I found with the bra off tho I was in more pain xx

    Louise 15

    Hi Steph
    Sorry to hear you’re struggling!!

    To be honest I think I’ve been really lucky Pain wise in the breasts. I don’t have much sensation in them at all. They just feel really heavy and bruised and I get the sensation that I’m struggling to breathe more than actual pain! But I find mornings are horrendous and hard to even move but then throughout the day it gets better.

    Just take it gentle
    You are only 2dpo, it’s normal and promise you aren’t actually tearing anything.

    I had a nurse phone me yesterday and she advised keeping the bra on 24/7 unless needing it off to wash etc. So that’s what I’m going with.

    Wish you a speedy recovery and I’m sure it will all be worth it 🙂

    Steph 17

    Thanks Louise. Yeah mornings is where I’m struggling most, but I deffo have the sensation of not being able to breathe and like my heart is racing.
    I’m trying to go steady but I’ve been out for a walk this morning, I’m a major worrier and think that if I stay indoors il end up with a DVT or something. Daft I know lol.
    Due some more pills soon so gonna take some and watch a film and chill out for the night.
    I haven’t had a phone call from the nurses yet but I have my post op Thursday hopefully strapping will come off. Glad your recovery is going well Hun xx

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