Incision Started by: Andrea

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  • Andrea

    Hey girls I’m currently 8 weeks post op and I had a leakage on my left incision it started about 1 and a half weeks ago. I’ve been to see the clinic and they put me on antibiotics and there wasn’t an infection. Can anyone tell me if they had the same problem. I currently have a small hole and although it’s not leaking anymore I still get some blood coming out.

    Kate 7

    Same! I’m 6 weeks post op and past few weeks my incision has leaked, been to mya every week for check ups. They put iodine strips on mine and plasters. No idea what’s up 🙁

    CarlyT 1

    I’m 8 weeks post op and I have the same problem. My left has leaked on and off for the last six weeks. I’ve had 3 lots of anti biotics and been to mya twice a week for dressing changes. Each time it dries up it opens again and starts to slowly leak. I’m so disappointed. I thought by now I’d be enjoying my new boobs and wearing nice clothes. I’ve been to the clinic today and got to go back tomorrow. I’m exhausted!

    Clair Abbott 34

    Hi girls. Make sure you keep your appointments. I had a small hole at 4 weeks and at 6 weeks I had to have the implant removed in my right breast. I have had it replaced now and I have all my fingers crossed that it works this time xx

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