incision has been bleeding again Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 13

    I noticed blood on steri strips last friday, phoned out of hours nurse and she sed as long as it wasnt wet or actively bleeding then not to worry and had my appointment with nurse and she changed the steri strips and said that they had been bleeding/oozing but they are not open. And told me to take it easy, which i have been. But have noticed blood on obe of steri strips tonight its not wet or actively bleeding but wudnt of thought it shud bleed at 17 days post op. Im due to take steri strips off tomorrow in shower and put new ones on but so scared of doing it


    I work at a breast cancer ward and see infections all the time unless the site is hot or quite red I wouldn’t worry it’s normal to ooze a little and have dried blood you have to remember it’s an entrance wound so will have some blood just keep an eye on it and make sure It doesn’t ooze lots of wet/yellow fluid then should be fine. Go see your practice nurse at your GP if your
    Overly concerned. X

    Laura 13

    Thank you so much.

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