Incision pain – help :( Started by: Chantelle Louise

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    Hey girls,
    I’m 5DPO now and not in so much pain anymore thank god! Only thing is when I stand up I’m unable to walk around for more than 5 mins as my left incision is SO sore/stinging I feel like it’s ripping open! I don’t know how I’m going to cope going to my post op appt on Wednesday as it’s just so painful! My right incision doesn’t feel painful but my right boob gets like a crampy feeling but I’m not too worried about that now as it’s calmed down
    massively since day 2! Back to my left incision..when I’m sat in my usual position in bed my incision feels ok it’s just when I lean back a bit but still isn’t unbearable like it is when I’m standing.. I’m so worried my stitches have split or the dressing is stuck to it or something.. have any of you girls had this? I also have to stand with a hunchback. I had 375 high profile under the muscle from an A/B cup. Xxx

    Emma 52

    I would call the nurse about that Hun. My incisions have never given me that much trouble at all so I would definitely get in touch to see what the issue might be. Hope you get it sorted xx


    Hey hun I totally agree with Emma best to call the nurse
    She may ask you to send an email with some pictures of the incisions
    I called the emergency line the day before my week 1 post op appointment cos I had really bad bruising/pain come up on my right boob and it felt slightly hard plus my legs were hurting and I was high risk for blood clots.

    I emailed pics and they called me straight back I even saw my surgeon the next day as she was concerned. It’s better to be safe than sorry and that’s what they’re there for hun.

    You shouldnt be in crazy pain like tht at all. Check to see if it is weeping and if so what colour is coming from the incision. Take your time when moving about especially if ur still on all the pain killers cocodemol made me really dizzy and faint.


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