Incisions Started by: Jamie

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  • Jamie

    So I’ve still got my strapping on but my right incision is really hurting, anyone had this and once taken he strapping off has it been okay?


    Hi Jamie…my left incision area was hurting pretty bad when I had my strapping on and I kept having to put ice bags around that area to soothe it but today strappings came of and it turns out it wasn’t the incisions, it was actually the area slightly above it but just under the breast which was very slightly bruised if you could say because the strapping was too tight around there I guess. The bruise will obviously fade out but what this means it might not actually be the incision. The incision itself might be totally fine…it might just be the strapping irritating the skin a bit because it’s tight there so don’t worry too much, not sure if this gives any reassurance but hopefully it’ll be fine 🙂


    Ohh thanks for that. I do bruise very easily if someone brushes past me i bruise so i can imagine my boobs will be very bruised
    yeah i currently have bags of frozen broccoli on them. Cant wait for the strapping to be taken off on Tuesday did it hurt you when strapping ws taken off?


    You’re welcome! Awh me too don’t worry I’m the same so I know how you feel…my legs and arms are proof of that lol.
    Hopefully any bruising won’t last long. Nurse said it will fade out in a week or two depending on the bruise. I know gosh when the strapping comes off it’s like a relief like your boobs can breathe haha. Bet you’re counting down the days…I got to a stage where I was feeling so itchy and had this almost burning type feeling today so I’m glad it’s off. Only part that hurts is when then nurse takes off the edges from the skin at the sides it will pull a bit but e rest is fine…she uses something like a liquid type thing to help take it off and apart from the beginning bit the rest doesn’t hurt at all.


    Ohh that’s good i am dreading it but also cant wait its restricting my breathing and its horrible. How many days post op are you and can you shower yet?


    Ah :-/… I remembering reading your other post about this…that must be hard having that around and restricted breathing, poor you 🙁 take it well easy and two days left until they’re off for you so not long to go 🙂 .

    I am exactly 1 week post op and no unfortunately not, nurse said to wait one more week so next Saturday I’ll be able to have a shower and she said to make sure that I pat the incisions completely dry once out the shower. Besides that she said be sensible and not to overdo things still and not do anything silly like putting too much pressure on them etc. 6-8 weeks she said I can start wearing normal bras. How far are you post op?


    Me too, Jamie! Right incision and, in fact right boob more painful than left. Don’t feel like the strapping is helping matters and I’m stuck with it for 9 freakin days!!xx


    Yeah i have to have it for 8 days its horrible i want to take it off now

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