Incisions Started by: Natalie

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  • Natalie 9

    Hey, I had my op yesterday and I’m finding my incisions are a pain in the bum ha! Just want to take my bra off! The odd pain from them is making me feel sick don’t think they are infected just annoying.
    Do you think I could just have 5 minutes with my bra Un done? Or any advice as think I will go mad with them. The aching and sleeping is fine just my incisions lol anyone else had this? Xxx

    Vickie 10

    I’ve been giving myself a few hours off the bra a day now as the irritation from the bra to the incisions is driving me mad. As I am just sitting about with it not on and not jumping up and down I can’t see it makes much difference


    I so feel your pain, mine was yesterday too and yesterday’s on way back from hosp I felt amazing, this morning and today I am in a lot of pain, the cocodamol helps to be honest I was abit worried at first a lot of girls on here have made them sick but it makes me feel so lathargic and i fell asleep twice without remembering Iv fallen asleep lol. I have strapping all round so tight and my Macom it’s so annoying I’m so itchy ?


    Also my throat is in bits from the anesthetic is yours? Feels like razors x

    Natalie 9

    Awww glad it’s not just me! Iv got no strapping on thank god! Mine felt a bit sore yesterday but woke up today and felt fine I just keep getting tired quite quickly xxx

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