incisions, really worried!!! :( Started by: Amy

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  • Amy 19

    last night i went to itch my incisions over my support bra and they’re sticking out a mile under both boobs! massive lumps. can’t see them as bad as they feel but you can still see it! i’m 11 days post op and i’ve uploaded a photo if anyone could have a look at it please and tell me why they’re like that? 🙁 is it something i need to ring the nurse about????!?

    Laura 13

    Im not sure if its normal or not. Im 17 days post op and not seen ny scars yet.

    Maybe just have a word with the nurse for peace of mind.

    Nicole 1

    I’ve got ugly lumpy scars…I’m told they will flatten out eventually…have a look at mine to make yourself feel better!,

    Amy 19

    i just looked at yours @nicolevic and mine don’t look like that 🙁 it’s like behind them, the scars aren’t lumpy but theres a massive bump behind them! look at my photo i uploaded n see if yours are similar cos i’ve only got a side view of them cos its not noticeable as much from underneath view 🙁 the one thing i was worried about was double bubble/bottoming out! it doesn’t look like the start of that does it? 🙁

    Amy 19

    and they’re quite hard when i press them!


    a friend of mine had lumpy scars and it sorted itself out.. i cant speak from experience though hun sorry 🙁 hope it gets better xx

    Sarah -2

    I could feel lumps under my scars aswell but it’s sorted it’s self out! Leave it a week or so and if it’s still the same then call to see the nurse 🙂 shouldn’t be anything to worry about! X

    Nicole 1

    It is really difficult to get a good pic of scars yourself and sometimes they are deceiving…I know scars can feel pushed out and lumpy as they heal and can see a lump at the edge but its hard to tell. I don’t think it’s anything to worry about. Unless it is very hot and smelly…
    A surgeon told me scar tissue if like when you drop a box of matches…the scar is made of of lots of little fibres and the matches ( bear with me) are like the fibres. When just drop they are all over the place but with movement eventually they start rolling flat. He advised massage backwards and forwards and this would flatten the fibres but can’t do this til I’ve seen the nurse. If you roll the matches with your hands backwards and forward they would flatten out.

    I can just hear all he forum users saying that girl talks some sh@t! Lol sorry but it kind of made sense to me!

    Nicole 1

    Ps I love what u wearing in your profile pic! Where is that from?

    Amy 19

    it’s not hot or painful or anything for that matter haha just sticks out 🙁 i got my mum to feel them cos i thought maybe i’m over reacting but the lump is at the start of my scar and goes all the way to the end of it so maybe its just like what you’ve said! hahaha it makes sense to me too 🙂 thanks! the nurse rang me after seeing this post but i didn’t answer cos i didn’t recognise the number so she left a voicemail, i rang back but shes on her lunch 🙂 and thanks, it’s from new look 😀 x

    Nicole 1

    I feel like I have a shoelace running thru my scars but they have improved from the beginning….be interesting to hear what she says x

    Amy 19

    shes said to make an appointment with my nurse next week cos she can’t see what it looks like and said theres probably nothing to worry about but just to get it checked incase 🙂 xx


    It may just be some swelling around the incision but still! Well that’s what it looks like to me! Mine bump out a little still and I’m 4 weeks post op xx

    Amy 19

    i hope so! i’m gonna ring up to make an appointment. i took a photo from the bottom view and they look normal and flat but its just from the side they stick out abit and when i feel them it’s sooo hard! xx


    Yeah mine feel quite hard if I push on them too! Yeah atleast speaking to the nurse will put your mind at ease 🙂 xxx

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