Infection? Started by: Tamsin

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  • Tamsin

    Hi ladies, my left incision scab got caught on my sports bra when taking it off, and ripped off! (So painful) now I think it’s infected 🙁 have uploaded a photo. What do you girls think? Also do any of you know the number for Chelmsford clinic nurse? Thankyou x

    Samantha 1

    If it’s got pus the likely hood it’s infected. I’m not where you are, but don’t you have the out of hours nurse number, or google the Chelmsford clinic number and they should transfer you if there’s a nurse free xx


    It’s not got puss just weaping if you know what I mean, I’ve had a plaster over it the last couple of days to try and stop infection, I dunno if it’s in the process of healing or what :/ xx

    Samantha 1
    Found this online, may be worth a read. I’d call your clinic and ask for your nurses number to be sure Hun. Hope you’re ok xxx

    Amy 19

    i phoned the nurse when i thought mine was at around 2 weeks and she said abit of weeping is normal as long as it’s not red hot, you don’t have a fever or feel unwell then it’s most likely not infected but just keep an eye on it 🙂 mine was yellow/green, no infection tho 🙂 xxx


    Yeah yours doesnt sound like anything to worry about! 🙂 Call your nurse if you’re worried but she will most likely tell you thats completely normal! I hope everythings fine for you but if you’re really worried just look at my infection picture to compare lol Should put your mind at ease x

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