Info about 1st consultation Started by: Jemma

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  • Jemma 4

    I’ve got my first consultation tomorrow after deciding to get more info on the surgery as I’ve wanted it for nearing on 10 years now.

    I was just wanting some info about what happens in the consultation and what happens with paying a deposit if I decide to go ahead? I dont have the whole money Id like to put down as a deposit until I get paid in a few weeks, would i need to pay this before having the next consultation etc?

    Thank you 🙂

    Heidi 217

    They basically just talk you through the procedure, all the risks, they look at how big you are now and talk about how big you want to be, they let you try on a sports bra and then see how big all the different size implants look so you get a pretty good idea what sizes you like. I paid a £500 deposit on my first consultation and picked my surgery date there&then. Im not sure if you pay a despit unless you do that, think you can see some surgeons before paying anything if you’d like xx

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