Information. Started by: Rachel

  • Author
  • Rachel 9

    I want to get my boobs done. Is there anyone living in Hertfordshire that can help answering some questions for me.

    Claire 40

    Hiya Rachel, why dont you booked a consulation with a mya clinic near you that way the pc will be able to answer any questions you might have, i found the consulation with the pc really good and the imformation she knew and gave me was great, I felt a lot more confident after that first app,
    You are not pressured at all to have the operation with mya or to part with any money on that app,

    Rachel 9

    I had the phone consultation on Saturday and as I have just finished breastfeeding they are going to give me a call back in June but they could do the opp between 3-6 months after stopping breastfeeding.

    Claire 40

    June will be here before you know it, x

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