Initial consultation – what to expect Started by: Sarah

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  • Sarah 13

    Hey all! I’m at the start of my boobie journey, researching etc but hopefully won’t be long until I have my first consultation! Just curious to know what to expect at this appointment? I know I will meet with a PC at MYA so will implant size be discussed or will this only happen when I see the actual surgeon…..?!
    I have lots of questions lol! Thanks

    Sophie 16

    Hey! They’ll basically explain everything that happens through the whole process, payment options, they’ll show you photos of before and after! Then she should show you the surgeons that would be best suited for you! Then you can choose one and book a surgeon consultation with them to discus your size you wanted 🙂

    Hope this helped xx

    Sarah 13

    Yes that’s really helpful! As I’m still unsure about lots of things I don’t even know yet if I will have my BA done with MYA but can’t yet make any decisions until I see surgeons and decide who I feel comfortable with! so basically can I book a surgeon consultation before fully commiting?!

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