Instagram account Started by: Hayley

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  • Hayley 8

    Hey girls, I get my op tomorrow and I have decided To make an Instagram account and post my journey, mya_ba.x , I’ve depended on looking at other peoples journeys to help me make my decisions so I wanted to give back that help! Please message me if your not a BA account please! Xxx

    Tyler 38

    I’m having my op tomorrow aswell 🙂 my insta is myagirl490 xxx

    Hayley 8

    Decided not to do the Instagram account as when I’m adding another account on my app it keeps logging me out of my normal one! However I will post updates on this mya account of my journey! X x

    Shannon 4

    Thats because you have to delete the app and redown load it, its a bug with insta but as soon as you do that it fixes it

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