Is anyone else a 34A going to a C/D cup? Started by: Lorna

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  • Lorna 57

    Hi girls I’m currently a 34A looking into 300cc unders just wondering if anyone else has these specs or similar? (it’s a long shot I know) I’ve already had my first consultation and my surgeon consultation is next Tuesday 14th November
    TIA x

    Kayley 13

    Hi Lorna, I’m hoping for similar size and am currently a 32a, I’m also booked in to see the surgeon on Tuesday 14th in Manchester!!
    Kayley xx

    Lorna 57

    Hi kayley! What size implant were you thinking? Im thinking 300cc unders (I definitely want unders anyway) but obviously the surgeon will know what’s best.. I’m seeing mine in Leeds but the op is in Manchester I think my PC said! When are you wanting the op done? Xx


    Hi Hun, my stats are 5’5, 8 and a half stone, previously 32A, I had 300 & 325 overs and measuring a 30E/ 32DD, I asked for a large C, small D! Just be weary the surgeon can’t predict your size xxxx

    Lorna 57

    Hiya chick your stats are pretty much the same as mine! I’m 5’4 and 8 stone.. Wow that’s crazy! I’m wanting unders so not sure if that would make a big difference? I don’t really want them any bigger than a D but obviously I won’t know until they’re done! How have you been post op? Xxx

    Steph 18

    @ljx6Β i had 300 cc unders i was told i was a empty B cup i always thought an A cup. I am 14 wpo and seen my consultants 2 weeks ago who said I’m about a 34D xx

    Lorna 57

    @spark thank you so much! I just about fit a 34A now and have done since I can remember.. Hope you don’t mind but I’ve added you, do you have any post/pre pics? Just want to get more of an idea of how they’d look as I want them to look as natural as possible! No worries if not. How has the experience been for you? My app is with Dr. Mounir xx

    Steph 18

    @ljx6 I love mine i feel that they look natural thats what i asked for. I had my op done with Mr Netri he was brilliant. I didnt have pain just felt all my shoulders, back and chest were like pulled muscles and felt very stiff. I was sick from taking the pain killers which i was only taking thinking if i didn’t i would have a lot of pain but it was more from posture and having to sleep at 45 degrees but the sofa was a life saver for me slept on it for weeks as i have high arms on the sofa so with a pillow they were ideal. I dont have a pre picture as i sould not face seeing myself i was very flat chested i couldn’t fill any bra. Your consultant will advise you whats best for what you want. Hope your appointment goes ok. I have attached a picture this is 13 wpo with 300cc unders xx

    Lorna 57

    @spark that’s exactly what I want too, as natural as possible.. I wish I didn’t have to have a BA but they’re not getting any bigger on their own so haha! How were you with the anaesthetic? I’ve had it once before and it made me sick a couple of hours later and I have a massive phobia of being sick πŸ™ I only really take painkillers if I have to, which ones were you taking? Yeah I’ve been reading on here about the sleeping situation! I share a bed with my bf too so thinking we’d be pushed for space with loads of pillows and cushions as well! One of us might have to stay in the spare room haha! Ah I understand, I hate looking at mine I’ve never taken a topless pic in my life.. Something I hope will change once I get mine done. Xx

    Steph 18

    @ljx6 i came round feeling sick i had an anti sickness before the surgery but i have always been like that. I wasn’t sick after the op but the painkillers made me sick the day after my op. I was taking Co-Codamol but i feel that the antibiotics made me sick as once i read the label on day 3 it said to have the antibiotics with food i had been taking before food so on an empty stomach. I found sleeping in a bed uncomfortable but sitting up sleeping on the sofa better but just see which you feel is best xx

    Lorna 57

    @spark ah okay, everyone’s different aren’t they I suppose. Hope I wouldn’t be like that but I could ask for extra anti sickness stuff couldn’t I? Yeah true I never thought about antibiotics, I always try eat something before I take tablets but might not feel up to eating post op. Thank you I’ll have to try both see which is comfier πŸ™‚ how long was your time scale from first app to surgery? Sorry for all the questions! Xx


    Hun I had 300cc hp unders 14 days ago from a very empty 34aa x

    Steph 18

    @ljx6 yeah they can give you more antisickness when you come around i had ot and the sickness feeling soon went. I waited 3 weeks from 1st appointment to surgery they have a policy where they can only book the surgery appointment for no less than 2 weeks following your 1st consultation xx

    Lorna 57

    @paula79simone thanks for replying how are you getting on? I’m struggling to choose between hp and moderate? I definitely want unders though. Are you liking them now? Probably a stupid question lol! X


    I love them hun as I was nearly flat x there a perfect size for me x I had no pain at all just tight on my chest and shoulders x just can’t 2ait now to go bra shopping lol

    Lorna 57

    @spark ah that’s good puts my mind at rest a bit πŸ™‚ ah that’s quick! It’s already been a week since my first app then my second is on Tuesday, and surgery I’m looking at 15th December but that’s only because it works better for me, I have 4 weeks off over Xmas to recover then lol! I think its good they have that in place so people don’t rush into it I suppose. Xx

    Stephanie 137

    I’m 8 weeks post op now. I’m 5ft2, between 7.5-8stone, size 6-8 and was barely an A cup before. I had 275cc under, round HP. Measuring a 30DD now.

    Lorna 57

    @paula79simone oh fab thats what you want isn’t it! It’s mad how some people are in so much pain and some aren’t.. What sports/support bra have you been using post op? Do they look quite natural or fake? I know some girls like a fake look but I’m hoping mine will end up quite natural lol! X

    Lorna 57

    @stephcp thank you, I’m pretty much same as you for stats, I can barely fit an A cup atm now too.. Aw fab! Are you happy with them? I didn’t really want bigger than a D cup but obviously can’t guarantee what size we’ll be can they! Just struggling to choose what profile and shape now, round/tear etc. How did you choose? I just want whatever looks most normal for my body shape really. I’m a 6-8 too. Xx

    Stephanie 137

    @ljx6 Yeah really happy, I think I chose the right size for my body! I was offered 5 different sizes from 200 and then 300 was the max, I was always torn between the 275 & 300. Not much difference between the 2 sizes but I’m glad I went with the 275. I met few different surgeons, one at another clinic and one at MYA who I went with (dr Traynor) I went into these consultations thinking I would need teardrops cause I already had nothing and I thought they would be the most natural but actually both surgeons said no for me it would be round hp as they would be the most natural on me. I didn’t have much Breast tissue so it was always going to be under the muscle. I thought I would always want to be just a C cup and thought that’s what I’d end up with but honestly I’m happy with my results being 30DD atm. They don’t look big or anything they are good size for my frame. I’m only 8 weeks post op so still early days in the process but I have a good few pics on my profile if you wanna add me as a friend πŸ™‚ xx

    Lorna 57

    @stephcp thank you! I’ve added you, I don’t know if I’m being stupid but I don’t know how to look at someones pics? Wheres the option on your profile? Sorry probably a stupid question haha! I’ve got my surgeon consultation on Tuesday so I’ll get my size options then, I don’t have much tissue either I’ve been the same size since I was like 14 it’s so depressing! Yess I’ve been thinking about teardrop as I don’t want them to look really round and ‘stuck on’ if that makes sense? I’d rather people couldn’t tell I’d had them done if I can haha! πŸ™‚ oh that’s really good, I think I’d rather be a bit bigger than too small still that’s the whole point isn’t it. Has your recovery been okay? Any tips? Xx

    Stephanie 137

    @ljx6 I think the photos button is down the side on the left of someone’s page? I’ve attached a pic of mine recently at 8 weeks, they still have a lot of changing to do though! Honestly I thought teardrop would be my best option the whole time but I listened to the surgeons and went with the round hp as they advised. Yeah I know what you mean…Only my friends know that I’ve had them done to be honest πŸ™‚ Yeah recovery has been okay, i mean I wouldn’t like to do it again in a hurry mind LOL! Everyone is different though, some people have a breeze of a recovery! I didn’t go back to work until 4 weeks as I’m cabin crew, so couldn’t fly again until then. My first week back was a struggle! For the first two weeks of my recovery I did nothing I just rested. I still get the odd pains now. More muscular type pain then anything. I would just say listen to everything they advise and do everything by the book regarding the recovery guidelines and you’ll be fine πŸ™‚ xx

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    Lorna 57

    @stephcp ah thank you I think it’s because I’m on my phone lol! Yeah good idea they know best don’t they I suppose! Only my boyfriend and one friend know so far, but I’ll tell my mum etc after I’ve set a surgery date so I know it’s definitely happening then πŸ™‚ yeah I bet haha!! Oh god I bet it was, I have 4 weeks off at Christmas and my PC said there’s a surgery slot the day after I finish for Christmas so it’s ideal really! Thank you for the tips, I’d just be scared they didn’t turn out how I’d hope more than anything really. Yours look really good! I’d be happy if mine turned out like that, I just can’t imagine myself with boobs lol! Xx

    Stephanie 137

    @ljx6 Wow so sounds like everything is coming together for you πŸ™‚ I booked mine in march this year and had to wait until September until I had leave! I was exactly the same! I couldn’t imagine myself either lol! It’s a strange feeling after being flat forever lol! I’ll always wish I did it sooner! But so glad I finally got the chance to do it! Aww thank you! Good luck with everything πŸ™‚ xx


    @ljx6 hi babe sorry for the delayed reply, I didn’t realise you’d replied!! Post op has been good so far!! One is dropping quicker than the other which is annoying me though haha but it’s all part of the process! I’ve got major boob greed which is hilarious coming from me who was stressing about them being bigger than C/D!!! Deffo listen to your surgeon though hunny xxxxx

    Lorna 57

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    @bethalex oh no worries lol! Yeah that seems to happen to loads of girls on here haha! But they’ll both get there eventually won’t they! Hahah omg I’ve got a feeling I’ll be like that but tbh they’ll seem huge to me anyway without going bigger after having small boobs all this time haha! Yeah I definitely will I’m just hoping they’ll turn out how I imagine! Xxx

    Kayley 13

    I dont really know what size? I need help, I don’t want to go for a smaller implant in the hope it looks more natural, because in my opinion a bigger implant seems to sit like a more natural breast. God knows, so much to think about haha!! but like you want unders too!! I’m hoping to get it done asap, il see what’s dates he has available on Tuesday providing all goes well, id be hoping for before Xmas. What about you? Xx

    Lorna 57

    @kayleykoo yeah I know what you mean, I think it depends what type of implant it is as well though like the shape and profile, some tend to look faker than others and you can notice it more.. I know haha! Yeah me too, my PC mentioned the 15th December which is ideal for me I have 4 weeks off from the 13th so I’ll have 4 weeks to recover if I get it haha! Just means being in pain for Xmas but suppose Xmas is for chilling out anyway isn’t it lol! You looking forward to Tuesday? Xx

    Lorna 57

    @yaniquerobyn thank you! So exciting isn’t it! Yeah that sounds like they’ll be bigger than a D but saying that you’re taller and weigh a bit more so they might just end up a nice D! I think with you being a bit taller you’d suit it if they turned out a bit bigger anyway πŸ™‚ I’m quite small so I’m a bit conscious of them ending up too big and swamping me lol! Especially with me used to having small ones. When are you wanting your surgery? Xx

    Kayley 13

    I know it’s worrying isn’t it all the options? I know the surgeon is the expert and that’s all we can go with but it’s still scary. I’m really excited but it’s getting more real now and I feel anxious, I’ve thought about this for probably ten years so don’t know why I’m so anxious haha!! I’ve got an 18 month old so that’s probably what’s worrying me, I do everything for her normally so il obviously need help with her and I’m then relying on people which i I hate doing….But, I keep thinking about my fried eggs in my bikini on my last holiday, and thinking how much better il feel on my next one hahah well, hopefully anyway!! That date sounds great for you then, I’d need it to be sooner as I need to be in the ball game for Xmas for my baby. A month off to recover sounds immense!! Good for you love!! Are you nervous too or isn’t it just me being a chicken?? Haha xx

    Kayley 13

    Also Lorna, my PC said Dr Miunir likes to use high profile implants but I don’t think I want high profile because I would’ve thought they’d be more round and stuck on, on me as I’m really flat chested, did anyone mention that to you?? I don’t feel like I want that look xx

    Lorna 57

    @kayleykoo no you’re not a chicken at all honestly I’m nervous as well and only had 1 consultation lol! I’d be even more nervous if I had a little one like you too. Yeah definitely, so confusing! I think the before and after pics are so useful for trying to get the right look though! I’d be clueless otherwise haha! Yeah I know the feeling, I can literally only wear strapless bandeau bikinis because they’re the only type that doesn’t emphasise my flatness as much, I couldn’t imagine wearing a triangle bikini top I don’t have anything to fill one lol! I’m going to Mexico in June with my bf then Portugal in July with his family so I want to feel confident on holiday for once! It’ll be worth it in the end I’m sure!! Oh yeah defo you’ll want to be on top form won’t you, I think looking after a little one would distract you from the pain a bit as well anyway lol! Ooh yeah my PC told me that as well! I’m a bit unsure about that too because I’ve been thinking about getting mods not high profile! I don’t want the fake stuck on look at all, looks nice on some girls but I don’t want that for myself personally. I’m just gonna tell him from the get go that I really don’t want that kind of look and hopefully he’ll take it into account! Honestly makes me feel so embarrassed thinking about me going on holiday with my bfs family next year and them all judging me for having big fake stuck on boobs lol! I’m probs being daft but that’s the last thing I want haha! Xx

    Kayley 13

    Awwww no, don’t be embarrassed!! Go their and own it!! I’d much rather be judged for having big juicy bangers than be judged for having fried eggs, and if they’re the type to judge they will either way! Get you triangle bikini on and go for gold love haha! I’m exactly the same as you- defo not wanting that look either, id honestly rather stay as I am, so il be the same. Befores and after are great, I’ve screen shotted them and going to say this is what I need, thank you, please?! Ha! I’m more excited now I know it’s not just me who’s nervous, thank you!! You’ll have to let me know how you get on love, I’m so excited for us both xx

    Lorna 57

    @kayleykoo hahaha!! Honestly that’s the only thing I’m paranoid about what his family think I’m not bothered about what anyone else thinks I’m just wondering what his mum and family are gonna think of it, don’t want them to see me as a fake tart lol! (not that I think that but the older generation can be a bit judgy) plus his fams a bit religious so there’s that as well haha! He’s told me they won’t care but I know how bitchy people can be ha! Yeah me too, better this than knowing you’ve spent all that money and aren’t happy with them. Yeah think I’m gonna do that too lol! Gonna go on a pic hunt for inspiration, is it weird I have celeb boob crushes? Haha! I’d love to have Emily Ratajkowskis boobs!! She’s a 32C I think (I’m so sad I researched what size she is lol!!) yeah defo! Me too! I’ll post on here or message you on Tuesday after the consultation! I’m getting more excited than nervous now, it helps so much talking to people on here too! Xx

    Robyn 13

    It is exciting! I’m just going along with it. I’ve booked my surgery for the 28th of this month!! Fast I know. I didn’t want to wait till January. I think 300’s will definitely take you up to a C/D. I tried them on and they would have Def made me a C cup

    Lorna 57

    @yaniquerobyn ooo that’s soon! I’m hoping mine to be mid December.. Yeah I know the feeling once you’ve set your mind to it you just want it over and done with don’t you! Oh good I hope so, just need to get the ball rolling now I suppose! X

    Kayley 13

    Oh my god yes Emilys boobs are the nicest I’ve ever seen haha, we’re defo on the same page when it comes to boobs haha!! Aww I know what you mean love and I bet it’s difficult too if their religious but as long as your happy they’ll be happy too hopefully ????????xxx

    Lorna 57

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    @kayleykoo omg they are aren’t they!! Haha defo! I actually thought hers were bigger than a C but they’re just right I think lol! Yeah well they’re not mega religious but it’s one of those things where they’d probably not say anything to me but be judging me in their heads lol! Omg I’ve booked my surgery today for the 15th December! So excited/nervous now!! There was only one slot left for that date so I went for it and reserved it before I go in to see the surgeon on Tuesday! Xxx

    Jen 22

    hey, I’m currently a very empty 34A!! I’m 5’8 and about 11 stone and have been offered 275cc in one and 300cc in the other, I’m having overs by ms lutz!! My surgery date is 5th December x

    Lorna 57

    @jennn me too! I have my surgeon consultation on Tuesday so I’ll find out what sizes then but I’m not wanting any bigger than a 300cc really! My surgery is booked for the 15th December so I’ll be a week after you! With Mr mahdi now, my PC got it wrong and thought I was with Dr mounir lol.. So exciting isn’t it! X

    Kayley 13

    Awww fantastic!!! Soooo excited for you!! My friend had dr Mahdi and hers are the best ones I’ve ever seen, she’s the reason I’m coming to mya because they’re beautiful, she also had no boobs like us haha, eeeeeee in so excited for you love xxx

    Lorna 57

    @kayleykoo thank you!! Omg thats making me even more excited lol! Eeee are you having mahdi as well then? Xxx

    Lorna 57

    @shell2002 oo exciting! I’ve been scared about the same thing I don’t want them too big but I’ve been thinking about mods as well. I’ve got my surgeon consult tomorrow so I’ll find out then πŸ™‚ I think you’ll be fine, better to be a little bit bigger rather than too small for that amount of money! I’m in Leeds but op is at pal mal. X

    Kayley 13

    Well, I asked about Mahdi and because I wanted it sooner rather than later she advised I see mounir and because of the look I want to achieve, she said Mahdi is also working at transform and therefore his availability is limited. She said I can also see Mahdi if I want to, so I’ve booked consultation with mounir just to kind of get the ball rolling?? I’m now thinking I should have seen Mahdi to start with, how ever, what will be will be? 1 more sleep hahah so excited xxx


    Hey girls jas anyone had teardrop shape over the muscle?

    Lorna 57

    @kayleykoo ohh right I see! God that’s confusing isn’t it? Well I thought I was with mounir until PC told me on Friday it was mahdi haha! Yeah exactly whatever will be will be! As long as theres gorge boobs at the end of it lol!! Omg same I can’t wait! Just hoping it goes well! What times yours? Xxx

    Lorna 57

    @jenijens thank you!! I haven’t seen many teardrop girls on here and I’m not sure what shape I’ll be having yet so thats helpful! What size were you hoping for after? X

    Jenny 2

    I was hoping for a 34 large c, small d but looks like im going to be a 34d/dd πŸ™‚

    Lorna 57

    @jenijens thank you that’s what I’m hoping for, obviously rather be a bit bigger than a bit too small haha! How’s your recovery been? πŸ™‚

    Jenny 2

    @ljx6 You might as well go bigger as you’ll be paying the same anyway. I had the OP yesterday 5pm, finished by 6.30 and had to stay overnight because i was draining a lot of fluid but left at 2pm today!
    So far, hardly any pain… The only problem is opening doors because of the pressure and sleeping upright because im a side sleeper

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