Is anyone else a 34A going to a C/D cup? Started by: Lorna

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  • Michelle 5

    Let me know what they say Lorna x

    Lorna 57

    @jenijens exactly that’s what I was thinking, what was your admission time? I’m hoping I don’t have to stay overnight or have a late op I’d rather get it over and done with early and go home haha! But I know they don’t give the admission time until like a day or 2 before do they? Oh thats good! I’ve seen loads saying it’s really painful.. I’m a side sleeper as well so that’s gonna be a pain for me too, think I’ll have to sleep downstairs somewhere for a week or so!

    Lorna 57

    @shell2002 I will do! My pre op is next Wednesday as well now. X

    Jenny 2

    @ljx6 My admission time was 11am! So a good 6 hour wait. They have TVs and WiFi you can buy for £5 for 24/hrs but the data signal is 4g in there so bring a phone charger and a good book 🙂 I’m only on my second day so the pain might get worse but as of now, I’ve not had any painkillers since I woke up from surgery x

    Lorna 57

    @jenijens oh that’s a wait! I’ve seen on here it’s a mixed bag some girls have gone down straight away and another I saw waited 8 hours so suppose I’ll just have to wait and see! Oh that’s good! I’ll just stock up on mags and a good book like you said 🙂 I’ll probably be sat on here saying how nervous I am haha! Oh that’s so good! I don’t like taking them unless I really have to. Have you used ice packs? I was gonna order some in a couple of weeks, a few cheap ones. A few girls have said they’ve made a big difference x

    Lorna 57

    @jenijens oh that’s good, hopefully it’ll be as smooth for me.. Don’t want to jinx you haha! Yeah true, I’ll get some so they’re there if I need them x

    Lorna 57

    @kayleykoo how’s your app gone?? I’ve just had mine, he’s recommended 300-325cc round high profile partials, with a nipple tuck. Need to decide what size now 300 or 325! The 300 honestly didn’t seem big at all. I looked normal for once! Looked like the size I was meant to be! And the 325 wasn’t much bigger at all. Decisions! @shell2002 hope this helps you too. Xxx

    Kayley 13

    Hiya love I’m a bit confused now to be honest? You seem super excited though and that’s good, what size do think you’ll have then?? Was your surgeon reassuring and stuff?? I
    saw dr mounir and he was lovely but I don’t feel like there’s been any progress. He’s offered to do 275, 300, 325 or 350, over or under the muscle, year drop or round, and I have to think about it and come back. I thought it would be different, I thought he’d kind of jave a plan based on what my boobs are currently, and plan of action to get me to where I want to be?? He kind of left it up to me but I don’t know? I thought he’d tell me different outcomes based on profiles and stuff but it weren’t discussed? I don’t know whether or not to see another surgeon? Is this what yours was like? I’m I got given available dates so said il speak with my dad regarding time off work as it’s a family business and go from their?? Xxx

    Lorna 57

    @kayleykoo oh no that’s strange! I’m not surprised you’re confused then? I would be as well! No mahdi literally measured me up, and told me exactly what he was gonna do, round partials for a more natural look (so they dont look stuck on he said) and offered me 300 or 325, no bigger than 325 because of my small frame. I just told him I didn’t want a fake look and that I had 300cc in my head anyway. And I’m having a nipple tuck as well because mine are slightly tubular and not completely round as they are atm. But no he literally Sat down and wrote down everything he’s doing on my plan and why, he was really professional. I might consider a different surgeon if I was you if you didn’t get the best feeling after seeing him? They’re the ones that know the procedure and implants and stuff inside out so he should’ve told you what he thinks would be best for you? Or you could just book to see him again and ask him what he thinks would be best for your body? Mahdi likes to see his patients twice before surgery apparently which I thinks good instead of meeting them once and then on the day weeks later. I’d definitely see either him or someone else before you book anything anyway! Xxx

    Kayley 13

    Thanks love I think I will, he said that id meet him again before surgery but by then id have booked my surgery and if I don’t feel comfortable with what he said I’d have to cancel? I feel like I need a plan of action before I book, o also feel I need him to tell me what he’s doing and why. I feel like today was a waste of time really he didn’t help me make a decision. I said I wanted sode boob and he just said bigger implant lol!! but what about profile? Wasn’t mentioned? Ive got so many questions, i might ask to see Mahdi. I really want this doing and I’m not a picky person but I don’t feel 100%. Also have you got like a portfolio of mahdis work? I haven’t and I feel that would be helpful for me to make sure I’m selecting the person most likely to achieve the outcome that I want? My heads a bit battered haha xxx

    Lorna 57

    @kayleykoo definitely, I’d be the same. This is one thing you need to be sure about, you need to know what you want and what you’re going to get don’t you. It’s nerve wracking enough without not knowing whats going on? Id just tell your PC that you’re even more confused and want another appointment 🙂 did you try any sizes on? Profile should’ve been mentioned really I specifically asked about HP and mods and he said that mods are better for girls with a larger frame, a wider chest pocket because the implants are wider. The HP aren’t as wide so they’re better to fit a smaller chest.. Yeah I know what you mean you definitely want to be 100% with something like this don’t you? I don’t have one, haven’t been given one but you could ask your PC for one? Mahdi was showing me a few he’d done himself that are similar to me so I knew what to expect a bit more. Honestly just ask as many questions as you can to your PC and surgeon, obviously it’s a lot of money and stress and pain so it’s worth getting the most out of it and grilling them if you need haha! I didn’t ask him too much because he seemed like he knew exactly what I needed and explained why.. I just have to choose from the 2 sizes and that’s it. I’m gutted your app didn’t go how you wanted!! Hope you get onto them and sort out what you need! Not surprised mine would be as well lol xxx

    Lorna 57

    @tiffany87 don’t worry! Which options did he give you? You’ve probably been offered higher because your frame sounds bigger. I’m only a size 6 on top so I’m really small, so he said he wouldn’t give me any bigger than 325 for that reason. Plus it depends on your chest pocket, some girls are bigger than others so you can probably get away with going bigger 🙂 if you’re really worried you could go for the smaller option he gave you in case? But honestly most girls regret not going bigger after so I’d go with what he’s recommended for you, they know best I suppose don’t they 🙂

    Michelle 5

    I think I’m more a 32 then 34 but don’t like to wear a 32 . I wear a 6 too but I’m having mod + I think as I have a gap so will get better cleavage x

    Lorna 57

    @shell2002 mahdi said to me if it existed I’d be a 33A haha! I’m a 32B or a 34AA he said (I wear 34A but only just fit really) a 32 is too tight for me. What does your gap measure? He said mines 11.5 from nipple to nipple I think but my PC said my gap isn’t that big it’s just because my boobs are so small it looks bigger. I was thinking I wanted mod + but he’s giving me HP and making them partial so they look natural and he even said so they won’t look stuck on which is what I wanted. I’m just going with the flow with what he said really he obviously knows more than me and I’ve been speaking to another girl on here who’s had the exact same as what he’s recommended me and hers look fab so I’m trusting him haha! I can’t wait to have some cleavage it’s gonna be so weird x

    Michelle 5

    I know I just want boobs !! I’m not sure on gap he didn’t say but just offered me mod + x


    I am 11 days post op and I had 350 under and I was a very flat 32A. I am having a lot of itching on my right breast and still felling a lot of discomfort , especially at night .

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