Is Breast band/bra obvious under clothes? Started by: Victoria

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  • Victoria 12

    Hi everyone
    I’m about to have an op in the next week (I’m getting 325 indeed with dr Fiamara) and told I will have a breast band after standard.
    Can anyone tell me how obvious they are under normal work clothing? I work in an office and hope when I go back no one will notice! I’m sure I can wear high tops or dress to cover the bra and loose fitting but does anyone think the band looks obvious under normal tops?
    Any advise will be appreciated! X

    Jo 19

    Hi hun I had the band and only keep it on for the 1st week and u can’t see it under clothes. Hope that helps x


    I had 325 unders and has a band! I’ve onky just stopped wearing it after 4 weeks as advised
    You could see it under tight clothing but not much!
    I would wear a scarf or something just to distract.

    It’s really not that obvious

    Charlotte 6

    I had to wear the band for 4 weeks and really struggled with work clothes!! Just glad I didn’t get mine done in the summer!! Just wear baggy clothes or big jumpers to hide it and u will be ok: ) good luck they are so uncomfortable!!!! 🙁 xx


    I had to wear mine for 4 weeks and it majorly showed under anything that wasn’t like a knitted jumper. It was a real pain to be honest. I suppose your size, your amount of swelling etc will all contribute to how visible it is too but anything tight just like normal t shirt tight it does show.


    I feel for the girls having it done in summer.. just imagine! X x

    Victoria 12

    Thanks girls. Op day today so we’ll see!! 🙂 thanks for all your help!

    Victoria 12

    Oh my lord it’s so uncomfortable. Been about 10days now and my under arms are raw! I have been using socks now for a couple days so helping. Ended up shopping for a couple new tops. Next seemed the best. It’s amazing how hard it is to find something high topped, baggy, Work appropriate and not fugly as hell! Oh dear


    Oh bless you my nurse tightened mine at my one week check up I was like are you for real woman haha. I found it really hard finding clothes to comfortably cover it but as swelling goes down it will be a bit less of a pain and less visible. The next few weeks will fly by. Good luck with the rest of your recovery x

    Victoria 12

    Thanks Grainne x

    Victoria 12

    I made it to 4 weeks and no more boob band!!!! Hooooray!
    No one noticed
    Boobs look awesome
    Life is good again!!!!

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