Is it normal to lose hair after BA? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    In the past if I’ve been really stressed or unwell I’ve tend to see hair loss. I’ve just washed my hair and lots was falling out. I understand how when the body is stressed it will focus on healing rather than hair nails Tec so these will suffer.
    I’ve just not seen anyone post about it before so worried me a bit? X x

    Dazzelea 92

    Maybe it’s because you haven’t washed your hair as much as u usually do Hun so when you have you’ve noticed the hair more xx


    Possibly hun. I found on Google anaesthetic can cause it apparently. Hopefully I don’t lose too much only just regrowing from having a baby 15m ago lol x x

    Stacey 498

    It’s can happen after an op but not because on the anaesthetic Hun its the stress we put on our body with having to heal and stuff after an op Hun xxx

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