Is it normal to wonder if this what you want? Started by: poppieclarke

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    Ever since I was around 13 I always knew I’d never have boobs I always wanted a boob job, since I had my son and lost weight they are even smaller and saggy if that’s possible for there size haha
    But now Iv booked in for my BA I’m starting wonder is this really what I want :S, I’m worried I will look fat in clothes or that they won’t suit me I’m only having 295cc hp from a 34b but I’m worried il regret it. And is it worth having to have them re done in future because I know they don’t last forever uno.
    Is it normal to feel this way? I’m still excited and want boobs but just worry I’m making a mistake you know.
    Sorry post is completely full of negativity I’m trying to be positive as deep down I know it’s what I want just wanna know if it’s normal xx


    It’s 100% normal Hun, I’ve thought exactly the same, although just like you I’ve wanted it done since I was 14, I’ve come so close so many times, and then pulled out, but this time it’s all fully paid and I’m having it done on June 1st. I’ve read a few other girls have also had 2nd thoughts even up until the night before having it done, I have 4 kids so feel especially guilty when I think of what the money could have brought for them, just remember it’s something you’ve always wanted and you’ll have a pair of boobs to be proud of for the rest of your life x


    It’s reassuring to know someone else felt the same.i also a little one kv had a few comments from people that know aka child’s grandparents stating that it’s abit selfish as I have other people to think about which I agree is true so make me feel worse xx




    My dad said exactly the same and so did my nan, although my nan is more worried something bad will happen and my kids will lose their mum xxx


    This is exactly me right now!!! All paid for and my op is 5days and I’m thinkin shitttt is this really what i want? I actually don’t know 100% I wouldn’t even b too bothered about the money (it’s only money at the end of the day) just really confused a the min 🙁 xx

    Julieg1 1

    I’m 42 and wondered if I should just leave it and carry on as normal, I’d lasted this long but then I went back to thinking how upset and horrible I feel when I went on Holiday and did nothing but feel jealous of women that had a bust in a bikini. I’ve moaned about my bust all my life. I am now 9 days post op. wish I’d gone bigger but have no regrets at all. I had a tatto last year on my arm. My mum cried and said there are people out there who don’t want to have marks on their body and I had gone and done so purposely. God help me when she finds out about my BA but at the end of the day I have no regrets about either. It’s my body and life is too short. Don’t forget I’m knocking on now, 43 next week !!!!! Write yourself a list of the pro and cons of you having it done . I bet the pro’s list is bigger. Don’t include what other people think. Do the list for you.


    I was same, always wanted it and knew exactly what the surgery involved but once was booked I question what am I actually doin? All I kept thinking was I am putting things into my body that aren’t ment to be there. I aired my opinion to my mum and nan and they re assured me it was normal to feel anxious. I knew I would still have procedure just had all these thoughts. I am 9 weeks po today 😀 it’s gone so quick and it’s great! As for money with kids, I have two, it isn’t selfish, think of how much money u spend on your children, I never buy anything for myself always the kids, this is the one thing I done for me, and now we back to normal, everything for kids, as long as they don’t suffer going without essentials they need then what does it matter. I am sure your children are well looked after and still will be with you spending money on yourself also x oh and as for re op, don’t worry yourself with that until time comes, my mum had a ba years ago, maybe coming on 10 years, hers are still ok and she has no plans for changing them any time soon if at all, she also had those pips, but has had no problems so has left them and just has checks x

    Nicole 1

    Most definitely won’t look fat in clothes…that’s a small implant…I had 310 and don’t really look much different in clothes….but I had some shape now:-)


    If you swamp yourself in material, anyone will look fat, boobs or none. We all have learnt to dress for our bodies now, we just have to learn to dress for our new bods 😉 Everyone has second thoughts, it’s a big deal! And it’s not selfish at all hun, it’s not fair of others to say so either. If it’s what you want go for it! Nobody who hasn’t been through something similar won’t understand, ignore the bad comments! xxx

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