Is it worth it ? Any complications? Started by: Laura

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  • Laura

    Hey lovelies, I’ve always considered getting breast enlargement, as mine never really grew and are out of proportion to the rest of me and have effected my confidence. I’ve researched different peoples experiences and keep on looking back at MYA. Do you loose sensitivity in your breast/ other complications and would you say it’s worth the money and helps confidence ? Thanks for whoever answers in advance.

    Annmarie 4

    It’s worth the money for your confidence, my breast were terrible though kids and weight loss, they was just skin to be honest, I wanted breasts for a long time and just made the decision to do it, I had mine 10 days ago and even tho I’m not sure if they are big enough or boob greed 😂but I do have boobs now. I’ve not been to bad since surgery only took painkillers for 3 days, you did need to take it easy after having them done ✅ hope this helps if you need anything else I will try to help xx

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