Is there anyone having 250cc or 275cc that can help me out please! Started by: Jess

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  • Jess 8

    Hi all! I finally found out how to start a question lol!
    Okay so I’m having surgery on the 11th of September @ Fitzroy by Dr Marcellino.
    I’m very skinny but also tall! I’m naturally underweight, fast metabolism and still growing (just not in the boob area) ????????
    -5ft 7 and 7stone 8lb. I have like zero boobs, I just about fill a padded 32A bra! I was wondering if there were any ladies similar to me pre-op that could show me some after photos of 250cc and 275cc high profile implants under the muscle?
    I was quite disappointed to be told that 275cc was the biggest I could go, but I am quite Petiete and skinny around the rib/chest area.
    I have researched and instagrammed a lot, but I’ve yet to find anyone VERY similar to me.
    If anyone could help I’d highly appreciate that! X

    Heidi 217

    I’m a bit shorter but pretty similar other than that, i had Dr Marcellino too, was offered 250/275/300cc high profiles, had 300cc in the end, under the muscle, heres a before&after picture xx

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    Jess 8

    Thanks for replying! They look fab, not much bigger than the ones I’m having, I was worried mine would look too small, i just haven’t seen enough similar to me! Amazing result tho x


    Hi Hun. I’m very similar to you. I ended up having 300cc hp under the muscle. Yeah I ally happy with the result! Trust your surgeon as they really do know what’s best! I’m 1 week P.O.- pictures attached

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    Jess 8

    Thanks for the reply!
    I wanted to have 300cc but I couldn’t make the date to see my surgeon for the second time so I’ve had to go for 275! I’m hoping there isn’t much difference between the two. I’d be very upset if they turned out small after opting to pay so much! Your results look really good for only a week post op, they still have fluffing and dropping to do as well! Congrats on new boobs!xx

    Heidi 217

    25cc is only the equivalent to a shot glass so it’s really not much at all!x

    Kristina 12

    Hey I’m having my surgery on Monday with 275cc under the muscle. I have very similar stats to you as I’m only 5f5 and a 32a. My surgeon also told me that I couldn’t go much bigger as I’m also petite around the rib cage/ chest area. If you want I could let you know how my surgery goes 🙂

    Jess 8

    Aw yes please! I hope your surgery goes well! Mines a month today! I’d love to know how they sit on a small framed person like me. I’ve added you x

    Laurane 12

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    I had 300cc HP partials on the 23rd of July. If anyone wants to add me on Instagram I have loads of pics on there. My username is laurane_ba230718

    Kat 2

    I’m getting 275 in two weeks so will let you know then,,, I had a choice up to 300 but he said he would recommend 275 for my frame xxx

    Charlene 2

    I was offered 250 or 275 cc as I’m rather small however surgeon advised me to go with 250cc I’m currently not even filling a 32a bra :-/ so anything will be better. Surgery 25th August..x

    Kelly 3

    I had 275cc almost 4 weeks ago. This was the max I could go as I’m so petite I am 5” 3 and 7 stone. I’m a 28 back and had absolutely no boobs! I am over the moon with my results they just look perfect I’m measuring roughly between a 28dd and 28e. They look perfect for my small frame not too big but look like I’ve got boobs. Hope this helps x

    Jess 8

    Thanks for everyone’s replies, I’m feeling really positive today for some reason and I definitely think 275 will be good for me and my frame. I don’t want them to look fake in any way! Exciting times, feel free to add me girlies x


    Hi Jess I’m 5’5 and 9 and a half stone and this is 275cc literally as I came straight out of surgery xx

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    Jess 8

    Omg they look so good for just having them done!! I’m super excited to have boobs now, loving the natural full shape look xx


    Hi I’m 5ft 7 and 8 stone 270 was the maximum I was aloud I was an empty B and now 6 weeks post op I have measured an E and I still have dropped and fluffed properly xx

    Jess 8

    Thanks for the response hun!! I’ve decoded 275 should be big enough for me as I’m petite as anything. Don’t want them to look fake and my boney chest may look silly having big ones! Hopefully mine will look good ☺️ Xx

    Jessica 7

    Hello!! I am VERY similar to you. I am 5 foot 6 and weigh 7 stone 8. Please could you add and pm me as I have a few questions. I am having 250cc

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Jessica 7.
    Laura 54

    I am a little shorter but similar build. I had 275cc HP unders in March and now measuring a DD 🙂

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    Hi Laura. In the pictures they look like they are becoming bigger as each week goes. Did you find that or is it just as they begin to drop? I had 305cc unders but they don’t seem as big as yours yet and im a little bit disappointed. I’m 9 days post op, 5 foot 4, 8 stone.

    Emma 28

    Hi Laura they look amazing do you find there more to the side? My surgeon has said ideally 250CC would be perfect however she would be happy to use 275CC but I will find they will go to the side x

    Amy 5

    I’m having 250cc on Tuesday, which is the maximum my surgeon would allow me due to being small framed and skinny! I don’t want huge in your face boobs anyway just something after having 2 babies in less than 2 years it hasn’t done me any favours ????

    Emma 28

    Good luck with you op hun! That what I was offered and then 275CC Max with Dr Lutz but I really want 300CC so having another consultation but I don’t know I just left the consultation and I didn’t feel any happier than I did before I went there x

    Amy 5

    So my op is done! Everything was straight forward and I have no pain at all! Which surprises me as I’m so soft! My boobs so look slightly small but I’m only on day 1 and there trapped in a post op bra???? I’ve literally managed to continue my everyday life with 2 babies and no struggles ???? I’ve got round high profiles under the muscle 250cc! I was literally flat before my implants but so far I’m happy as I know there’s a lot of changes to go through! I don’t want to keep looking at them and changing my mind so not looking is my way of thinking 🙂 I’ll wait till Tuesday at my post op appointment to have my first look ☺️ X


    How did it go Jess? my stats are pretty much the same as yours, I haven’t had a consulatation yet as i’m worried they will say i’m too thin but i’m naturally really small and i’ve had a baby!

    Steph 31

    Hi i was a 32aa and i had 285cc taking me o a 32c or 28dd depends where i get my bras from. A small implant can really go along way. I was only allowed 285cc and no higher but I’m so pleased with results 6wpo xx

    Millie-Rose 33

    Surgery a week today! I’m going from a 30b with 225 and 250 HP unders. Soooo excited after seeing all of your results!


    I’m also having the sizing choice dilemma. It’s so helpful to see lots of pics but I think height & weight is a big factor. I’m. 5’9 & just on 11stone. I was thinking 250cc but my body could probably absorb and use a lot more to get similar look of some of these wonderful results on shorter petite ladies. Help?!


    Jess – how did it go?! do you have any photos, im exactly the same stats as you and i’m worried they will say i’m too underweight (i’ve always been a stick even after having my son!)

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