is this normal :( Started by: sarahx

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  • sarahx

    so i had my 2 week post op check up today and had my dressings taken off. i didnt really take a look at them as i need to go asap to catch a train home.
    ive just had a look now, and my incisions seem to be a little higher than where my implants sits. is this normal? im so worried im bottoming or something worse! help :((((

    missmanace 2

    Hi Sarah

    I havent had mine done yet but as far as im aware they do this so that when you wear a bikini etc the incision isnt shown if your bikini rides up!

    Dont worry hun, this is normal. I checked it out because I wasnt sure why they did it!

    Congrats on your new boobies x


    hey, missmance. i just spoke to my pc and she assured me its normal too.
    thanks hun! i got so worked up about it!
    sarah xx


    Hi, yes my scars are on the lower part of my boobies too, not actually in the crease.
    I hope they fade as its a put off putting i can see them and my boobs arnt big enough to hide them as they are still quite pert!!

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