Is this normal? Started by: Nips

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  • Nips 2

    I have had well what I think a virtually pain free recovery, there has been nothing bad about it at all and I would do it all again tomorrow. I’m 2 weeks post op tomorrow and the side of my right beast is really sore which is the one that the drain got stuck in and had to be really tugged – is that what the pain is? Does anyone know how long it takes for the flesh inside to heal from the drains? X

    kathryn 1

    hi, that pain sounds pretty normal as long as its not excruciating, i didn’t have a drain but i know ppl who have for different things so pain is proberly normal, especially if it was stuck n needed a good tug, 14 days is still early on, ur still healin inside and out, and you mite just be regaining some sensitivity u lost after ur op, i u should ring ur nurse just to be sure but try not to worry, hope everythin is ok x

    Nips 2

    Yeah I think it’s ok I just had a look there’s abit of bruising where it’s tender so maybe just more bruised inside from the tugging x

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