Is this normal!? Started by: Heidi G

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  • Heidi G 1

    Day 3 post op and I have noo energy what so ever and feel so spaced out all the time 🙁 think it must be all the medication, has anyone else felt like this? Iv felt like I have an elephant sitting on my chest the past few days, they feel a little less sore today, i can actually move abit. My left incision stings a lot though, havent had any pain at all in my right..just worried as its under the strapping I can’t see if its okay.. :/ should I peel the strapping off a bit and look? I’m probably just panicking lol but it could be open or something under there :/ so nervous to get my strapping off on weds in case I have stretch marks and they look horrible 🙁 ahhhh xxx

    Hannah 1

    I felt half alive for a week babe. All I wanted to do was lay in bed, such effort to even go for a wee! Just eat well and drink plenty of fluids you’ll be fine xxx


    I felt exactly the same it does get better I’m a week post op today and feel so much better, the dressings coming off have also really helped 🙂 hope u feel a bit better soon and also the nurse said you always have one bad boob my right side was agony over the incision she said its totally normal xx

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